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Subject: Obitchecker, it is mainly the same thing--but there are MISSING PARAGRAPHS!

Mercedes (so ARE you or AREN'T you in favor of the Project for the New American Century?)
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Date Posted: Mon, May 25, 2009 10:51:44
In reply to: obitchecker 's message, "It hasn't disappeared from the internet, it's right here" on Sun, May 24, 2009 7:15:42

There was a LOT more radical statements that were taken out of this copy of the agenda. Mainly, the ones that showed the Neo-Cons outrageous suggestions that the rest of the world would LIKE what would happen with the PNAC agenda and that the Middle East would put up NO fight against the idea of Democracy--basically statements that the US 'knows best' what is right for the world and that the Neo-Cons who subscribe to these principles will end up being the ones with the Power, money and must look forward to and encourage other 'friendly' groups to support the days when the US has TOTAL control of everyone and everything.

This basic principle of the US being the 'big daddy' nation and taking advantage of the rest of the world is so evil that when I first heard about it, I couldn't believe that anyone could write such crappola, let alone anyone sign their name in support of this.

Even with all that has been removed from the original material--this stuff is total insanity. Who are we to tell the rest of the world how to live?
Who are we to tell the world not to torture, but turn around and do it ourselves?
Who are we to demand that other countries conform to Democracy, whether they want to or not?
Who are we to say that only WE should be in charge of everything?

ANYONE (even you, Obitchecker) who agrees with this "Project for the New American Century" is an ENEMY to the ideas of the US Constitution and the Separation of the Executive, Legislative(Congress), and the Judicial(Supreme Court). The PNAC agenda is basically a TYRANNY, but claims to use a 'democratic' form of total rule. There can be NO Democracy without Rights for People.

Because of these Neo-Con fantasies, so many, many of our beloved US soldiers and Innocent Iraqis have been Killed--all because some men decided that the US should be the only nation that controls everyone else. (How they were going to take over and crush the UN is a mystery that they NEVER wrote about. I wonder HOW they would take over the UN--bombing the building, maybe? Having the US military take control of the building and everyone in it? I sure would like to know how the Neo-Cons planned to get rid of the UN, OPEC, the European Union, and any other partnerships between countries. Didn't they think that far ahead, or did they just think people would fall down and plead to have the US in control of them and their countries? POOR PLANNING, IF I MAY SAY SO).

Of course, those who wanted to be in charge had NO Problems, NO Questions, and NO Guilty Consciences sending our soldiers to their DEATHS. Just as long as the Neo-Con agenda was in their reach, they could care less who died or who was injured for life.

Now you may understand why I don't like Cheney, Bush or any of their Neo-Con buddies. BUT I DON'T WANT ANY HARM TO COME TO ANY OF THEM--I want them to be here for many more years, so they have a chance to ponder what their selfish and evil decisions have done to others and to our beliefs in TRUE DEMOCRACY. (Hopefully in PRISON where they belong for War Crimes for the rest of their miserable lives)...

*** I will be leaving soon for SA and will be there until next weekend. Check with you later, Obitchecker...

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If this is an "either-or" question, that rhetorical device is awfully familiar. Still, I'll answer it.obitcheckerMon, May 25, 2009 1:21:56

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