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Subject: Re: Bay/Tob Mare FOR SALE

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Date Posted: 06:50:05 06/17/03 Tue
In reply to: Cap Clark 's message, "Bay/Tob Mare FOR SALE" on 05:40:55 08/26/02 Mon

>99 Bay/Tob mare(APHA #516924) has Col. Freckles, Gay
>Vic Tari, Windeck, Poco Red Robin on papers. Broke for
>anyone to ride and ready for training of your choice.
>She is bred to COLOR ME
>PEPPY(http://clix.to/colormepeppy) for a May 03
>foal.$3000.00 email for photos Capcclark@aol.com
I am in need of a tobiano mare any dark color any age for my soon to be 14 year old beginner son.Their is a lady who will teach him to ride but he needs to have his own horse.She had cancer and sold all of hers.After he learns to ride he wants to join 4-H with his new horse.I am looking for a mare that is traffic and trail safe,and one that he can do all care of picking feet,brushing ect.By himself.I would only be intrested in the mare,not her foal.Because I live in Maribel wisconsin and would have to find someone to haul her and I am thinking it is going to be very expencive.I have a family of 5 my husband is the only one who is working.Me and the boys work for a farmer and he keeps $300 a month in his account at the feed mill for us to use for grain,ect.We also take hay and straw instead of money.My vet is a family friend and I pay him $50 a month.He comes when I need him.And my cousin use to be a farrier but has worked in a factory for the last 6 years but he still comes and trims my horses.I cannot get a real job I was in a severe car accident in 2000 and I have severe back and neck problems and my brain shifted back and is sitting at the base of my neck they will not clear my medical record so I may get a job for 10 years.But after the accident I could not walk for 5 1/2 months and my son stayed at home and took care of me,did his homework,made supper,woke his brothers,helped his little brother with his homework,and cleaned stalls daily even walked both horses for 1 hour everyday,he did all the feeding and watering,and grooming ect.And he really wants a horse of his own.I have a 19 year old bay and white tobiano mare,I was screwed out of her papers she was the first registered horse I ever bought and I did not know any better.She was used for cattle and she is quick and super well broke you can turn her on a dime with just the slighest pressure with your pinky finger,But she is shy and prefers women to men.I cannot ride her anymore because of my injuries I gave her to my husband but he is working all the time and agreed with me that our son should have a horse.I would be willing to trade her.If thats not ok please e-mail me anyway I have been looking for almost 2 years now and have been turned down by at least a 1000 people already so it's ok I am use to it.But if you are willing to sell her without the baby and shipping doesn't cost more than the horse I might still beable to get her.Thats if you think she is suitable for my beginner.I am really sorry for writting a book and asking you if you would trade or sell her without the baby but if their was a slightest chance I could of gotten my son his very own horse and made his dreams comes true and I didn't ask I would never ever forgive myself.Thank You

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