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Subject: 5yr ARABIAN mare stared jumping.VERY FLASHY.

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Date Posted: 19:38:51 06/18/02 Tue

This is a VERY willing but green mare a begginer could ride her but she needs to be trained she nows the basics but thats all for know. To prove how calm she is she let me stand up in the saddle!!She has a Good personality with great looks!! She is 14.3hands She has jumped a 4' fence easly with no rider.Great childs hunter propsect! She has been riden western and english!She has troted barrels and is stared jumping 18" cross rails! She has VERY good brakes and back well. Shes well on her way to the show ring. she is 5yrs! Will email you pictures if you ask!!!!!!Great
conformation! PERFECT head w/ great dish! Holds tail HIGH. She has VERY flowing gaits and a smoth ride. Flasy horse will take you to the top in shows!! "A" circut qulity. She leads, backs, stands,loads/hauls, and has no bad habits. Email me at jsmallwood@cybertronmail.com for more
information! Will sell or TRADE!! I will trade for horse Just offer and i will see we are asking $2800obo

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Re: 5yr ARABIAN mare stared jumping.VERY FLASHY.Heidi13:48:20 07/28/02 Sun

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