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Subject: Banjo-5 Year-old Pinto Gelding Won many ribbons!>

Marcie Crawford
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Date Posted: 21:16:56 09/03/02 Tue

5 year-old pinto gelding sorrel/white tobiano 15 hh's. Has been showed 4-h does western pleasure,showmanship,huntseat and trail. I mostly used him as a gaming horse and rodeo horse this summer in the nwyra as a barrel and pole bending horse coming within' the top ten almost every time. He would be a great intermediate rider's horse to use and win ribbons on at playdays and maybe within' the top five for money in the next year or two with finishing training. He currently is running 16's short barrels and 19 long pattern aswell as consistent 23's in poles. If your looking for your next or first young barrel/pole bending prospect to win on here he is just finish him the way you want. Also was a drill horse for a while knows lead changes,huanch turns,two tracking hand and leg aides perfectly. If you have any questions you can email me at hottiebanjoracer@aol.com or call me on my cell at 503-780-1787 that I usually always have on me. Thanks.
Marcie Crawford

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