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Date Posted: 07:00:23 06/16/00 Fri
Author: ChaOsAngEL=NSWU1=
Subject: Apologies

This is a full and unreserved apology to all SES members about the recent posting events,While i did not post the second message,posting the first one in a fit of chagrin opened me up to Name whoring and i jumped the chain of command in the process,Not acceptable behaviour for any member of NSWU1 let alone an Officer and Gentleman,I make no Excuses,I stand corrected-This episode has Tainted the message boards of both our squads,and i hope we can reconcile with a friendly shootup sometime,Special extra apologies to:Steel~_Rat who i have found to be a reasonable and sound guy-sorry for creating an opening for a name whorer on your board-And to Buzzsaw-Apologies,i mixed your name up with blackadder's SORRY ABOUT THIS MESS...

BYLINE:One good thing has come from this-I have learned that your squad is indeed honourable through my dealings with members in this case,I hope that our squads enjoy a long and friendly (if competitive) association,see you guys in the upcoming matchup,where, if i have something to say i'll have to refer you to my M4/203,lol!,ChaOsAngEL=NSWU1=C.O 1st Platoon MU5

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