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Date Posted: 15:55:53 02/12/02 Tue
Author: Orodruin
Subject: GOOD GRIEF!!!!!
In reply to: Nakago/Derlan 's message, "JOINING AGAIN!" on 20:19:14 02/11/02 Mon

>Real name: Nakago
>Alias: Derlan
>Gender: Male
>Race: Drui
>Age: 25
>Birthday: November 17
>Astrological sign: Scorpio
>Birthplace: Unknown
>Height: 193 cm.
>Blood type: Unknown
>Hair color: Blonde
>Eye color: Blue
>Girlfriend/Bonded: No one
>Weapon Proficiencies: Whip & sword
>Power: Chi (Power?) manipulation
>Character: Kokoro (Heart)
>Character location: Center of forehead
>Interests: Torturing others, gloating
>Seiyuu: Furusawa Tetsu
>Goal: To be a god
>Background Check:
>Nothing much is really known about Nakago. All we know
>is that he is from the Hin Tribe in the west. His
>tribe was Kutou's sworn enemies (Kutou has a lot of
>sworn enemies). Fourteen years ago, when Nakago was
>only eleven years old, the country of Kutou attacked
>their tribe and killed everyone. Then you will see
>young Nakago witnessing his mother being raped or
>being beaten (it wasn't shown what the soldiers were
>doing to her but you can hear her screaming and the
>soldiers's cruel laughter in the background). A sudden
>burst of emotion must have triggered the character on
>his forehead to glow. Chi emanated from him and it
>killed five of the men who attacked them, including
>his mother. He must've been devastated when he
>realized that he accidentally killed his mother.
>Scorpio people are aggressive, intense, moody,
>passionate, secretive, and quick-tempered. That is so
>true for the case of Nakago.
>Master manipulator. But of course, I like the term
>motivator better (is there such a word?). He can
>motivate anyone to do his every bidding (this is one
>of the reasons why I like Nakago so I think you should
>read this part there).
>Cool. He is the definition of coolness. It seems like
>nothing can faze him. Even if Tamahome blasted him
>with his chi, he never panicked or anything like that.
>He is always calm and collected. He doesn't give in to
>his emotions. What a nice quality in a man.
>Omniscient. Some people might say that it is
>intelligence but I like the sound of omniscient
>better. It sounds more powerful and nearer to his
>goal. Anyway, I said that he is omniscient because he
>knows his opponents' next moves. He anticipates them
>and they always turn out to be true. How powerful is
>that? He is always one step ahead of his enemies. I
>pity the Suzaku people.
>Leader. Nakago is the general of 2/3's of Kutou's
>military power. All his men are loyal to him (except
>Amiboshi who was smitten by that loser, Miaka - ooh,
>what do people see in her anyway?). His men are more
>loyal to him than to their emperor. I don't know if
>that is based on fear or respect but just the same, he
>is a true leader.
>Sweet. When Soi was defeated by Miaka with the use of
>the sacred sword of Hotohori, instead of Soi
>increasing Nakago's chi through uniting, Nakago was
>the one who gave her his chi so that she will get
>better. Also, when Soi died trying to protect him, he
>held her body all throughout the fight. If he needs
>both hands while fighting, he would gently lay Soi
>down and when he is finished killing whoever it is, he
>picks up Soi's body once again. And, when the fighting
>was done, before he went to the world of Yui, he
>promised to give Soi a proper burial. What a sweetie.
>Savior. He saved Yui from being raped. He saved Soi
>from a guy who was forcing her to be a sex slave. He
>saved Ashitare from being humiliated by other people.
>He truly is a savior of people.
>Humble. Just hear me out here. Although he is
>confident with his powers, he does, however, admits to
>his own weaknesses. Like with the Genbu Seishi,
>Hikitsu and Tomite, he admitted that even he could not
>defeat them. Most people would just brag about their
>abilities without even realizing their mistakes but
>Nakago is different. He admits to them. Also, he gives
>credit to where credit is due. Tamahome, for instance,
>he congratulated him for being the first to launch a
>successful physical attack against him. To Miaka too,
>he believes that she can get the shinzaho from the
>Genbu Seishi. If you still don't believe me, that's
>your problem. I just want you to have an open mind.
>Winner. Some people might not agree with me here but
>he really is a winner. You see, even if he died in the
>end, he still won. Why? Because in the long run, his
>ultimate goal was to die. He's just so sick and tired
>of his life, he just wants to die. Revenge, he already
>got that by killing the Emperor of Kutou. As for
>wanting to be a god, he wanted to so that all of the
>people would suffer just as he suffered. But that
>wasn't really him. He said that because he wasn't sure
>of what he wants. That was his repressed feelings
>talking. His true intention was to die afterwards.
>Everyone that mattered to him are gone anyway and he
>already had his revenge. In the end, he was the winner.
>Evil. He's not evil. Just misunderstood. In my Reasons
>To Like Nakago page, someone said something about him
>being evil and it's wrong for you to say that he is.
>Anyway, just read that page.
><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Station/8236/nakago_gre">http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Station/8236/nakago_gre</a>
>en.gif or
><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Station/8236/nakasign.g">http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Station/8236/nakasign.g</a>
>if or
><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://finally.xoasis.com/anime/nakago/pictures/nak_29.">http://finally.xoasis.com/anime/nakago/pictures/nak_29.</a>
>jpg or
><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://finally.xoasis.com/anime/nakago/pictures/nak_30.">http://finally.xoasis.com/anime/nakago/pictures/nak_30.</a>
>jpg or
><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://finally.xoasis.com/anime/nakago/pictures/nak_18.">http://finally.xoasis.com/anime/nakago/pictures/nak_18.</a>
>----Fushigi Yugi.

GOOD GRIEF! Blood type,Astrological sign,who needs all this information?! Not me,that's for sure!

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  • Re: JOINING AGAIN! -- Kaera, 18:17:45 02/12/02 Tue
  • Re: JOINING AGAIN! -- Nakago, 18:48:50 02/16/02 Sat
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