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Subject: Vendors & Directors!!!

Reserve your time slots....for PAGEANT CAMP 2002!!
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Date Posted: 21:10:22 12/17/01 Mon

2002 - 2nd Annual Pageant C a m p...& 4th of July B la s t Of f !
Information for Vendors and Directors
June 28th, 29th & 30th. Held at the Renaissance Hotel in Dallas- Texas,

Emcee by: Mr Tim Whitmer

We supply Location/Professional Emcee (Mr.Tim)/Stage and Beautiful Decorations/Contestants numbers/Emcee Sheets/Music/Website/Judges private room for photogenic contests/"Free" Party for all Directors/Vendors on Friday night.

One "LOW" price pays for all the above and more.

If you cannot attend, but would like your paperwork to be advertised at the
camp. We will have a paperwork table set up that will be monitored and kept neat
and clean through-out the day. There is a small fee and NO pw will be allowed on the table unless on the list of participants.

Saturday-Pageant Time(s)
8am (boys only partywear and/or sportswear)___
Boys may compete in other time slots as well.
9:00 (Causual wear only)___
10:30 (partywear only)___
11:45(sportswear only)___
1:00 (partywear and/or sportswear)____
3:00 (partywear and/or sportswear) ____
5:00 pm (Talent)___
Crowning Party Sat Night at 6:30.

Sunday-Pageant Times (s)
10:00 (partywear and/or sportswear) ___
12:00 Patrioticwear_____
1:30 Sunday Crowning

Photogenic/Portfolio/composite contest are held at your booth. You will have a judges room if you want to use it.

Cost of entries and prizes are up to the individual businesses.

PAGEANT CAMP WEBSITE will be up in Janruary.

If you would like further information regarding guidelines and rules please feel free to contact: Rhonda Tenove.

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