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Date Posted: 17:31:35 06/15/02 Sat

How good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell
together in unity. Psalms 133:1

What is the daughter's of the King women ministry?
They are women in the church who come together
to worship our soon coming king in praise and worship.

Purpose of this ministry

* Is to teach sound doctorine and standard of righteousness to the women in the body of Christ.

* To help strengthen the women faith in Jesus Christ.

* To develop in the women a closer
personal walk with the Lord.

* To lift the name of Jesus higher in Praise and worship,honouring and adoring Him as our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

The Shiloh church of God daughters of the King have a great women ministry.The president of this ministry is Evanglist Gwendolyn O'reggio. She selected

two different sisters every year, they plan and organize the Team, the Programs,the Retreats for the year.

The women retreat is held one week-end in each year, every year they go to different parts of the country for the retreats. During this time they have teaching seminar base on the team, by some powerful women of God. This is a very special time for the women to get together and glorify the
Lord and utilize their many talents.

The women meet every third Sabbath in each month dress in full white,which is the dress code for the daughters of the king. They have great anointed praise and worship services, where the women of God really get in the spirit of worshiping the most high God, follow by the word of God by selected women speaker in our local church, many souls are been blessed by these services.

Our prayers is that you will help us spread the word
to other women about this ministry
and let us lift up the name of Jesus together.

Please keep in touch with our web site for up coming events in the ladies ministry.

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