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Good drugs to make you sexy, fit and healthy -- Kimmi Tanni, 07:37:00 01/19/14 Sun (
Bargains on all types of products: Health, fitness, hobby, automotive, fashion, skincare, jewelry.
Help for many other problems in all organ systems
Help for genitourinary problems and much more: Hemorrhoids, edema, hypothyroidism, poor concentration and memory, heart problems, over-weight, prinary tract infection, yeast infection, endometriosis, premenstrual syndrome, constipation, Somach problems like IBS - irritable nowel syndrome,acne, vitiligo, aging symptoms, AIDS, allergies, Alzheimers disease/dementia, angina,
arthritis (osteoarthritis), arthritis (rheumatoid arthritis), asthma, attention deficit disorder (ADD), bad breath, burns, carpal tunnel syndrome,
cholesterol, cronic bronchitis, chronic cough, chronic fatigue sydrom, cognitive problems, colds
Advices and Products for good health, fitness and sex
A lot of good advices to cure common health problems and to give generally good fitness and health. You will also find advices for training, to keep yourself young, to get muscular strength and to get good condition. You can also read advices for excining sex activities, including rectal and genital masturbation.
Help Aganist Sluggish Thyroid - hypothyroidism and hormonal problems
Sluggish thyroid gives symptoms like: Fatigue, depression, constipation, over-weight, poor memory, brittle nails, dry and thin hair, dry skin and general uneasyness. Also help for diabetes. All symptoms need not occur.
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Help for water retension in various body parts resulting in swelling and puffyness and for diseases causing water retension, like circulatory problems, digestive problems and rheumatism.
Help against Hemorrhoid and Stomach Problems. Stomach cleansing products
Natural cures or support for: Hemorrhoids, constipation, stomach pain, stomach inflammations, GERD, diarrhoea. Stomach cleansing products.
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Help for heart problems and much more: Congested heart, high cholesterole, varicose veins, anemia, atherosclerosis
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Acne, eczema, rosacea,wrinkles, pspriais, stretchmarks, vitiligo, warts and more. Also comsetics from all the world's good producents for reduced prizes.
Please go here to find sex toys and products to enhance potency and pleasure for men and women
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About jellyfish drones:
When your children seem to be stung by an apparent jellyfish, in might be something else and they might have got an injection of something for any kind of purpose the government might have.
The dangers of Norway:
Norway is actually one of the most dangerous countries on earth both for us Norwegians and people visiting this country. All kind of incidents happen out of the blue at the semeingly most peaceful moments, among those mystical and totally unexpected fires,ship disasters, food poisenings, traffic accidents, mystical epdemies of infections, epidemies of allergy, high incident of cancers, dangerous technical breakdowns, avalanges or episodes of violence like the killing of 76 people by the famous assasine Anders Breivik. Each time we are told that this was a one time happening, but then suddenly it happpens again, with some variation.
regards Knut Holt
Regards Knut Holt
Has Dragons Ever Existed
Modern scientists are generally laughing about the belief in dragons by people in older time. But if we stydy what properties people actually attributed to dragons, we easily see that the word dragon was used about reptiles that in fact existed in former periods or still exist.
First of all, a dragon has a reptile-like body with a more or less long neck and a long tail. Furthermore the dragon was thought off as a predator with a specific behavior of luring at the pray and then swiftly plunging foreward and caching it. A dragon has a clefted red tongue, and usually has the ability to spit fire. It has shells and usually a comb running along the top of the neck and back. The size can vary from small to very big. In addition a dragon is thought to have wings, usually fairly small however.
You can find reptiles with all these properties, except the ability to spit fire. But reptils have the habit of sticking out the clefted tongue and waving it so it looks like a flame.
A big and dangerous reptile, called the comodo varan, living on islands in south east Asia, has all these properties, but lacks wings.
Another reptile, the so-colled flying dragon or Draco volans, living in south America, also has wings in addition, and can glide from branch to branch of trees. This reptile is small however.
And of cource many extinct reptiles conform to the definition of a dragon, and fairly intact scheletons of these have been found so people new about them, but could not decide if these still were living some place. Usually people thought so, but that thought was not stupid.
Regards Knut Holt
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Good drugs to make you sexy, fit and healthy -- Kimmi Tanni, 07:35:10 01/19/14 Sun (
Advanced Masturbation Tips For Men and Women
By Knut Holt
Masturbation can be much more than just a method of getting a quick orgasm. It can be a long lasting and intensely pleasurable experience, if you do it the right way. You can have a great masturbation experience alone, together with your wife or together with a friend. You can also mutually masturbate each other. Here are some tips you can use to get as high an experience as possible.
- Set apart some good time for your masturbation. Also do it in a warm and comfortable place. Tune the light in the room to a relaxing and pleasurable level, but do not let it be totally dark.
- Sit down in a relaxed manner some minutes to stress down. Listen to some relaxing music or look at some erotic pictures. A cup of coffee or tea at this point can help you stress down and at the same time help arouse your sexual excitement.
- Then gently take off all your clothes one by one in the same relaxed mood. Begin taking off your shirt, then your pants, then your undershirt, and at last strip yourself completely naked by pulling off your underpants.
- Then lay or sit down completely naked in a relaxed position. You can also choose to sit down at first in a chair, and later on during your masturbation you can lay yourself comfortably down on the bed or some other good place.
- Begin your masturbation by caressing several of your sensual body parts, like your breast and breast nipples, the area under your shoulders, your stomach area, your buttocks and your thighs. Then gently approach your more intimate zones with caressing movements.
- Then begin caressing and stimulating your genitals or your rectal zones. Spread opens your closed areas to get to the most intimate points in your body by your fingers. But still do it all in a relaxed manner without the aim of reaching the orgasm.
-You will by now feel an intense pleasure in your intimate zones that radiate up into your stomach, down into your thighs and up along your spinal column.
- Take from time to time your hands away from your intimate zones to caress other body parts. When doing so you can also stretch out your body in several ways. By stretching your limbs and at the same time caressing your body, you stimulate a lot of erotic points around in your body that add to the intensity and deepness of your total experience.
- Eventually the time has come to stimulate your intimate points more strongly. Now intensely masturbate your most sensual points so that you nearly reach the orgasm. Just before the orgasm is about to occur, you stop the stimulation and relax completely some moments. You can repeat this action many times. With some training you can even stimulate yourself so that you get a little orgasm that do not take away your arousal.
- By now you may have reached a mental and physical sexual ecstasy of an incredible intensity that comprises your whole body and mind.
- Eventually the time has come to complete the experience with a big orgasm. Just stimulate your sexual organs strongly and continually until you reach your full climax.
- But after your climax you will still experience a wonderful thing. Even though you feel completely satisfied and relaxed, you still feel that intense sexual ecstasy in your intimate zones, the rest of your body and your mind, and you can lay for a long time completely relaxed and enjoy these wonderful feelings.
- After laying some time in that relaxed mode, you may however sometimes experience the rise of a new full arousal and feel the urge to masturbate for a new total climax. Then do so. After a second or a third full climax you will feel an even still deeper satisfaction. You will probably also feel very tired, but in a very good way.
Knut Holt is an internet marketer and author with a focus on health items and erotism. TO FIND health information, products to increase sexual pleasure and natural medicines against many common diseases, PLEASE VISIT:---
--- There are advices and products against men's and women's problems, UTI, yeast infection, over-weight, cold, flu, allergies, acne, edema, hypothyroidism, depression, hemorrhoids, heart and circulatory problems, digestive ailments, rheumatism and more.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Knut_Holt
This article can be copied and reused as long as the links are kept in place.
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Egyptian Dancer -- Egytptian Dancer, 16:43:06 02/28/03 Fri (
Vixen of 8 summers gallops forth. Moving as smooth as glass she rears and twirls creating a mystifiang dance. Her ebony flints barley touch the ground.
Egyptian Dance
8 winters
golden in color
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Joining -- Majesty, 17:51:31 01/14/03 Tue (
I am Joining this site.... a stallion by the name of Majesty trots in, at 4 years and 16 hands he is treated like king, hence the name, he is fo course a stallion, he is a Coal Black Thoroughbred working on jumping. He has great bloodlines and a great personality. He is sweet charming, and much more. The Stallion snorts and trots off in search for a friend....
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Joining -- Sarah, 08:51:20 12/14/02 Sat (
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CAN I JOIN? -- Charisse, 02:24:04 11/08/02 Fri (
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New game -- Nikki, 05:22:23 10/25/02 Fri (
Welcome to Vine, to come this far is an achievement in itself. But be weary, for you never know when your time will be to leave.
Do you think that you have the skill required to survive in a desolate landscape? To run free and untamed? Really?Try me, I dare you
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Join -- Fate, 12:49:44 09/24/02 Tue (
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A distant whinny is heard from afar. . . . -- Lil' Bit Of Hope ( Hope ), 15:55:46 04/30/02 Tue (
A small bay mare whinnies across the field as she enters the new land. Her bay coat shining like a silk. She playfully pranced around as she looked for something to do.
Name-Lil' Bit Of Hope (Hope for short)
Markings-A small star
Personality-Playful, stubborn protective because of her small, pony like size. She used to be a racehorse, but she was too out of hand. They sold her to a cruel man who whipped her so she ran away. She then was found by another cruel man who made her jump and show too much. She didn't like it, so she ran away from him.... and here she is now. She is searching for someone gently to find her and love her.
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Please come join my new game I've taken over! It's in major need of activity! -- Owner, 16:12:22 04/20/02 Sat (
Endless River
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Mustang trots in -- Mustang, 15:56:24 03/16/02 Sat (
breed-Spanish Mustang
Training-thorobreed raceing
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*two horses prance around at the ends of their ropes* -- Speed Demon & Wind Demon, 14:34:29 03/07/02 Thu (
Name: Speed Demon
Barn Name: Speedy
Age: 4
Height: 16 hh
Gender: Stallion (unsure what age he needs to be)
Breed: Thoroughbred
Color: Black
Markings: None
Training: Racing
Sire: Demon Child
Dam: Speedy Girl
Name: Wind Demon
Barn Name: Windy
Age: 2
Height: 15hh
Gender: Stallion(unsure of what age he needs to be)
Breed: Thoroughbred
Color: Black
Markings: Star
Training: Racing
Sire: Demon Child
Dam: Speedy Girl
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joining -- kenna, 20:11:38 01/22/02 Tue (
Training:show jumping. eventing, hunter/jumper
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Joining -- Kyna, 15:03:46 01/20/02 Sun (
Name: Hellfire
breed: arabian
training: racing, barrel racing,well mannered
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A new girl on the block!!? -- Jennifer Rapp, 17:56:17 01/19/02 Sat (
Indian Day Dreamer
5yr old
Jumper,Dressage,Trail horse,Friendly and Willing to Learn.
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Tiger Horse -- Regal Rogue, 05:57:29 01/19/02 Sat (
A truck pulls up and a young stallion is unloaded. He is unlike anything seen before. Though not muscly his being reaks of strength. He prances on his lead rope arching his kneck showing of his great conformation. He was the result of years of careful breeding to devolope the best of the tiger horse breed.
Name: Regal Rogue
Age: 16 months
Gender: Stallion
Breed: Tiger Horse
Training: Halter broke, loads, unloads, clips. Has not been started under saddle. He has a good temperment and will be easy to train.

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+the trailer pulls up+ -- Catastrophic & Handlers, 05:26:41 01/19/02 Sat (
+the truck backs into the sale yard, and a man jumps out the side, a lead and halter grasped in his hand, as he approaches the back of the trailer a shrill whinnie carrys over in the air+ ya ya, babe, hush now, you'll be out in a minute +laughs and unlatches the ramp then walks in and backs out a rich, black throughbred mare, a large blaze down her face, each of her black legs have white socks, covered by her shipping boots, on her back a sky blu blanket lays, trimmed in navy, with "CATASTROPHIC" emboridered on the side. The filly tosses her head, dancing on her legs, she bumps the big man beside her, tossing her head and snorting+ easy now girl, just a second, hold up... +he leads her to a large paddock, then unlatches the lead the pulling filly stops, pricks her ears then squeals, bucks and tears off across the paddock leaping and bounding, until a shrill whistle calls her back...+
Name: Catastrophic
Barn Name: Cat
Age: 2
Height: 15.3(wmt 16.2)
Gender: Filly
Breed: Throughbred
Color: Black
Markings: Blaze, 4 stockings
Training: Racing
Sire: Seattle Slew
Dam: Cunning Cat(by Dynaformer)

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°¦° Registering Lexi Peters horse °¦° -- Lexi, 13:21:59 01/18/02 Fri (
Name: Tricky Ensign
Gender: Stallion
Breed: Thoroughbred
Training: Was an racer, retired at 2 due to a fractured sesimoid, now doing lower level dressage and jumping 4 ft.
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Joining -- Dubh, 10:08:33 01/18/02 Fri (
Name: Dubh le Saul (black of the earth)
gender: mare
Colour: black
Training: None , Wild and slightly vicious.
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New Horse -- Chelsie, 11:08:46 01/17/02 Thu (
Name: Wonder
Age : 3
Gender: Mare
Breed: Thoroghbred Chesnut
Training: Racing
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Wild -- Forgotten Mystery, 18:43:44 12/25/01 Tue (
Name: Forgotten Mystery
Age: 4
Gender: Stallion
Breed: Appaloosa
Training: He is wild and would not let anyone ride him. He had been harshly treated. He ran away from the horrible beastly humans as a foal, and grew up in the forest with his herd. He is actually looking for a kind human.
Height: 16 hands

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Walks up slowly... -- Vivian, 10:43:12 12/26/01 Wed (
She holds her hand out to the horse and speaks softly. "Hey, boy. I won't hurt you...."
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Approach -- Forgotten Mystery, 12:16:31 12/27/01 Thu (
Approaches the human warely. He had been bred a champion. His sire was Forgotten Value, the all time western champion. His dam was Mystery Memories, the dressage and hunter exceller. He had broken free and entered another barn. He had been badly mistreated, he did not trust these creatures but the human seemed kind to give him food. He had been half starved.
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Wondered..... -- Vivian, 15:05:40 12/31/01 Mon (
would he like to come with me or not??? (not to be mean or anything) She holds out a carrot...
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.:.|S|tays -- Forgotten Mystery, 17:54:56 01/02/02 Wed (
She stays with the human and quickly nibbles the carrot.
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Takes her to the stables.... -- Kari, 09:13:04 01/04/02 Fri (
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|S|cared -- Forgotten Mystery, 11:54:43 01/04/02 Fri (
He follows the human snorting as if he was tired, he was as he had to admit a little frightened of being a "pet" but he thought to himself, it shall not be that horrible. I can always break out...he smirks and quickly follows as the human pulls on his halter.
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A stallion lurks in the shadows -- Krsna, 14:57:55 12/30/01 Sun (
Name: Krsna
Breed: Arabian
Gender: Stallion
Color: White
Training: none- wild/ferral
The wild stallion stands in the shadows, a halter around his neck.... someone tried to capture him. in him dwells hate and distrust.... His coat shines a brtght, pure white where the sun touches him.... He has blood stains on his forelegs, head and neck.... Is it his? ...or someone else's?
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Re: A stallion lurks in the shadows -- Forgotten Mystery, 15:24:44 12/30/01 Sun (
At once as he see's this stallion he feels pure hatred. They were both wild and deadly. He rears madly and snorts.
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The bloodied white stallion's temper wears down at the sight of a fellow wild stallion -- Krsna, 15:45:19 12/30/01 Sun (
He looks at the other stallion,*Do I know you? You seem familar to me....*
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+.:.|R|emebrance.:.+ -- Forgotten Mystery, 14:53:35 12/31/01 Mon (
|E|mits shrill whinny 'pon rear. He quiets down and praces, his orbs scannig the stallion. He remembers the brujo from somewhere. But t'is to misty to make out. He suddenly stops, the anger leaving him. This mascu was not an |E|nemy.
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The white stallion snorts... tyring himself to remember correctly... -- Krsna, 15:52:40 01/02/02 Wed (
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Re: +.:.|R|emebrance.:.+ -- Forgotten Mystery, 18:08:11 01/02/02 Wed (
He himself pushes himself to think, ah had the brujo been in any other lands?
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The white stallion snorts..... -- Krsna, 09:01:48 01/03/02 Thu (
~*~He remembers standing next to his mother's sid, afrad to venture out in the lush greens fields he was born in. He remembers all the other mares with their newborn foals and rather than seeing bright wide eyes of curiousity, as every newborn has, he sees eyes filled with terror and some filled with anger... He's puzzled for a moment... He remembers!! The white Arab wasn't always in the wild... he was a pure breed Arab on a farm, with an abusive owner...~*~ could this other stallion that he finds familar be born from the same place????
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+.:.|Y|es.:.+ -- Forgotten Mystery, 11:39:45 01/03/02 Thu (
Yes, Yes! He remebered the arab. Oh how he hated the other foals. He was tired of the abusive owner and had browken the wire that let them free out of the weanling paddock. The other had followed but in the forest they had gone in different ways. They have never met...until this day.
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Rears and Whinnies....and shakes his head side to side, front legs thrashing... -- Krsna, 11:56:08 01/03/02 Thu (
Lands and wonders..... *How've you been....*
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+.:.+|L|aughs+.:.+ -- Forgotten Mystery, 11:51:01 01/04/02 Fri (
Laughs pon emitting low snort. He rears like the lightning clashes,
|A|h yes, fine, I had left the area and gone to a land of battles. They taught me well for I have never lost since. I remained there until I started my own herd. Which sadly had been wiped out because of a sad disease.
What have you been up to?
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Are you the one? -- Al-Shama, 11:51:37 01/03/02 Thu (
The arab mare comes in at a canter, her sides heaving. The remains of a nylon halter hang from her elegent head. She slows to a walk, then halts and looks around. Her optics are wide, holding a touch of fear in them. Although she has been abused, she is only looking for love....As long as its from the right person.
Training:Some dressage, Jumps 4 ft.
History: She was raised on a lovely farm with many other purebreds. Her life there was more than satisfing. However, the owner became ill and was forced to sell off all his stock and the farm. Shama was sent to an Arabian trainer who was reputed as very professional and kind. Once there, she was starved as a method to keep her quiet. He resorted to the harshest tactics to break her spirit, such as placing a long cut across her tounge to make her more sensitive to the bit. Despite all his attempts, she refused to be broken. One day, as the man was giving his daily tourture, she kicked him in the head. As he fell to the ground, she ran away and jumped the fence. Since then, she has been on the run, trying to find her loving owner...or a close substitute.
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A white stallion canters up to the mare....... -- Krsna, 11:59:55 01/03/02 Thu (
His eyes scan over her body.... notices the halter and wonders..* were you abused once to?* He comes accross as a strong wild stallion with a past that haunts him, a past he;'d rather forget....
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*Orbs scan strange mascue* -- Al-Shama, 17:08:38 01/03/02 Thu (
Femme looks at him. Her obsidian orbs glisten in the sunlight. *Yes I have been. I thought I would be the only one with such a past in this lovely place.*
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-listlessly- -- Honor Bright, 00:38:30 12/28/01 Fri (
-Bay mare trots in, head held down by side reins. She had escaped from torment but was still caught. Her saddle was battered and broken, but still on her back and her bridle was as strong as ever. She had fought against it for days now, not able to eat. The devil looked like he was in her eyes, her body was sweat drenced from sustaining the outline and working in it. She stood, nostrals flared, desperatly gulping in air.-
Show Name: Honor Bright
Call Name: Honor
Age: 3 years
Gender: Filly
Breed: Pure Thoroughbred
Height: 15.2hh
Training: Racing
History: Honor was born to a horrible owner, who in turn had sent her to a horrible trainer, who had a horrible jockey, who had beaten her up. She hasn't won a race yet, but came close to one, when she lost momentum as the winning horse had bumped into her and had come 4th. Strangely enough the owner had protested, but the winner was still allowed the win. The filly had then gone on to her 3 year old campaign, entering in the three races that make up the Triple Crown, after winning her maiden a few weeks before, and failing horribly in the Crown. Honor had been beaten after those races, and had escaped, terrified of humans and other horses.
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.:.Approach.:. -- Forgotten Mystery, 09:22:32 12/29/01 Sat (
He approaches the mare dubbed Honor. They had something in common, he remembered her from somewhere but he could not make out where. He nickers softly to her...
I am a friend not a foe
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-squeal- -- Honor Bright, 21:15:03 12/31/01 Mon (
-cowers under the horse's presence, terrified that something was going to happen to her. The saddle and bridle were still stuck to her, but she tried in vain to get them off.-
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.:.|C|alm -- Forgotten Mystery, 18:04:22 01/02/02 Wed (
Calmly approaches the femme and bites the girth leaving it loose for her to get off and he see's part of the bit ripped he helps by tearing the rest carefully and "taking it off" he nuzzles her and follows the human awaiting what would come next.
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*Rachel Clearwater's horse.* -- Normandy, 14:10:21 01/01/02 Tue (
Name: CB's Long Ago & Far Away, or Normandy
Age: 6
Gender: Gelding
Breed: Westaphillian
Height: 17 h
Weight: 1,500 lbs.
Color: Very dark, chocolate brown w/ two hind white socks and a star
Temperament: Sharp and shrewd (taught himself to open doors with his nose), intelligent, tends to be a little rebellious, craves attention, extremely fast
Training: Hunting, Jumping, Dressage
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Registering Brooke Lord's Horse -- Berna, 21:43:14 12/29/01 Sat (
Name: BM's Borrowed Time (Brio)
Age: 5
Gender: Gelding
Breed: Hanoverian x Thoroughbred
Training: Eventing - intermediate cross country, showjumping, dressage
Description: In appearance, BM's Borrowed Time is a lean built gelding, light to medium boned, and perhaps a little underfed. Looking from a distance to be even a tad rangy, the past eventer is quite tall, seventeen point two hands to be exact. Limbs that extend from a slim, streamlined frame are lengthy and somewhat gangling, but laced with powerful muscle and tipped in solid gray-black hooves. Brio's entire bulk is swathed in a short, well-groomed coat of vivid, orange-toned chestnut, splashed upon all four cannons and fetlocks from hoof to knee with ivory white. A blaze of the same shade runs along Brio's face, a final marking, painted onto a vaguely 'roman-nosed' visage. The noble, kingly aura that BM's Borrowed Time might radiate is dimmed by one of calm and docile nature, of kindness and gentleness that kindles inside the gelding's deep brown eyes.
In time not long gone by, Brio was a prized eventer, a gelding distinctly skilled at each stage of his work and loved by his rider, if not by his owner - the man whom never sat upon his back, merely ordered him to be sent hither and thither, watched him perform from the sheltered stands; collected his winnings, and then gambled them all away in casinos, or on bets. It was in this way that Birch Meadows, the gelding's home stable, slowly dwindled to nothing, went bankrupt, and Brio's owner was forced to sell each and every horse he owned, the beasts he kept simply for the money they brought in. It did not take long for Brio to be sold to a new owner, Brooke Lord, and now the retired chestnut wiles his time away with this new girl, slowly growing to know her better, and enjoy each and every ride that every day might bring.
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*Warren Getty registers his and his sister's horses.* -- Warren, Cincinnati, & Goldstern, 18:26:55 12/28/01 Fri (

Name: Cincinnati (changing it from Turk)
Rider: Warren
Age: 8
Gender: Gelding
Breed: Dutch Warmblood
Training: Basic, dressage
Personality: Steady and reliable, can be stubborn
Color: Black

Name: Goldstern
Rider: May
Age: 7
Gender: Gelding
Breed: Dutch Warmblood
Training: Basic, dressage
Personality: Highly strung, skittish
Color: Chestnut with white markings
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Ahh! Correction >> -- Cincinnati, 18:28:28 12/28/01 Fri (

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May comes in first thing, leading a stately gelding; Warren slinks in later, a glossy black warmblood trailing behind him. -- Turk, Goldstern, 16:07:35 12/26/01 Wed (
Name: Turk
Owner: Warren
Age: 7
Gender: Gelding
Breed: Dutch Warmblood
Coat: Black
Training: Basic: riding, driving, and farm work
Name: Goldstern
Owner: May
Age: 6
Gender: Gelding
Breed: Dutch Warmblood
Coat: Chestnut w/ flash white markings
Training: Basic: riding, driving, and farm work
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Wild -- Forgotten Mystery, 18:42:42 12/25/01 Tue (
Name: Forgotten Mystery
Age: 4
Gender: Stallion
Breed: Appaloosa
Training: He is wild and would not let anyone ride him. He had been harshly treated. He ran away from the horrible beastly humans as a foal, and grew up in the forest with his herd. He is actually looking for a kind human.
Height: 16 hands
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Leads in stallion... -- Vivian, 16:39:52 12/24/01 Mon (
The girl stroked the stallion's head...
Name: Arabian Mist
Age: 7
Gender: Stallion
Breed: PURE Arabian
Personality: Gentle, kind, protective, and can be fierce, brutal, and merciless if it need be
Color: Silver-white with some black
History: He was born in Arabia and was shipped away at age one and a half. By the time he was four he ended up with Vivian. He had many owners and they all found the horse mean and fierce. Vivian tamed him until he was as gentle as a lamb. The training left Vivian with a broken collar bone and arm, but she loved the stallion. That was three years ago and now the stallion has grown attatched to Vivian. He is protective and doesn't let anyone touch his owner. He is a show horse and loves a good race. He is pure arabian mist...
Pic: http://wsphotofews.excite.com/024/mh/4J/cX/hi57841.jpg
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[- Horse and Teen Enters -] -- Dezi and Wynd, 18:03:52 12/23/01 Sun (
Breed: Arabian
Colour: Grey
Gender: Stallion
Personality: Wynd is high-spirited and very tempermental. If anyone dared to mount him , besides Serendipity , they would most likely be killed...because , he only trusts her...

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.Enters With Her Horses. -- Kayte, 00:32:07 12/23/01 Sun (
Hue- White
Gender- Stallion

Name- The Only
Gender- Mare

Name-Forbidden Dance
Hue- Bay
Pic..Coming Soon..
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Registers her horse.... -- Kari, 17:06:01 12/21/01 Fri (
Name: Devil's Luck
Age: 7
Gender: Mare
Breed: Thourougbred
Training: Show horse, and fastest racer
Personality: Unpredictable
Color: Brown with white blaze down nose/black socks on all four legs
History: Was born in North Carolina and was raised by Kari when her mom abandoned her because she was weak and half dead. It was luck that let her survive, or else it was Kari's care for the mare. All her life was spent riding, racing, and entering shows with Kari...
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*Elizabeth comes in to register her horse, Magna Carta (not for sale!)* -- Magna Carta, 13:12:15 12/21/01 Fri (
*Magna Carta is a big, beautiful Palomino with a golden-beige coat and a light blonde mane.*
Name: Magna Carta
Age: 6
Gender: Stallion
Breed: Palomino
Height: 16.5 hands
Training: Show horse; practicing riding -- an excellent jumper

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