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Date Posted: 16:37:27 12/20/01 Thu
Author: Flirty
Subject: Twas the night......

Twas the night before Christmas and all through the forum
Morals were declining and so was decorum
Pekat and Dreamy were digging in their toybox
Hoping to find keys that would open handcuff locks
Things were thrown on the floor in a clutter
Ball gags, nipple clamps, cock rings and butter
They were rolling around in all of this mess
I couldn’t believe my eyes I must confess
Their bodies were glistening with each other’s sweat
But I couldn’t look away, I was getting so wet!
When all of a sudden behind me did appear
Bull with his cock poised to enter my rear
Like a deer I froze praying I was just dreaming
And then he plunged in and I started screaming
Pekat and Dreamy stopped dead in the track
Looked up at Bull but only seen his ass-crack
At that precise moment a doorbell rang
In burst Red shouting “Let’s start the gang-bang!”
Not to be left out of the holiday sex
Feral walked in followed by his pet ram, Rex
Red was first to comment on the sight
Followed by pekat and Dreamy who said “It’s just not right”
“No Way You Freak, not in this reality!”
Flirty chimed in “I ain’t doing no beastiality!”
Everyone waited for Bull to say something
But he just stood there holding his “stumpthing”
What happened next is anyone’s guess at best
I passed out from the pain and don’t remember the rest.
But one last thought before I bid you farewell
Always video these events, you’ll get a fortune when you sell!!!

And that is the end of my story but don’t fear
Have a Merry Christmas, I promise we’ll do it all again Next Year!!!

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