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Date Posted: 18:20:27 01/10/02 Thu
Author: Syndrid
Subject: Semi-Calmness
In reply to: Cara 's message, "Cringes>>>" on 17:28:31 01/10/02 Thu

She sees Jetan and her face softens. Jetan toddles over to her mother, nuzzling against her. "I was scared mommy, I didn't think I would see you again." Syndrid looks at her warmly, her eyes filled with motherly love. "It's alright," She croons,"I'm here now." Syndrid looks at Cara. "I will not kill you, indeed I will not harm you any more than I already have." She motions towards the scratch. "Be that a reminder of us. Remember we are here. Thank you for bringing me my baby, and I will tell Madread of your kindness. He may not hate you so much, then." She frowns. "And you know that because you are a pet there can never be true friendship between us. This is a nuetrality with you alone." Geta suddenly yells, "Go away, pet! You stink of human! I cannot breath with you here!" Syndrid looks at her sharply before looking back to Cara. "Leave here. Now. You stink of the humans that hunted our kind." With that she turns abruptly and crawls into the woods, her young following her.

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