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Subject: VIC Results 15/04/06

Leanne Lewis
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Date Posted: 07:09:38 04/21/06 Fri
Author Host/IP: cor8-ppp3291.bur.dialup.connect.net.au/

Judge: Mr B Harris (NZ)

Baby Puppy Dog
1st Ozrhode Believe It Ornot (Ozrhode Kennels)
(Ch. Zimbaloomba Boom Man x Grand Ch. Ozrhode Ari Mystic Gypsy ET)

2nd Leosodawi (Pending) (L Cassar)

Minor Puppy Dog
1st. Mieridge Gatsbys Aplawz(AI)(K & S Allan)
(Am Ch. Spring Valleys Great Gatsby x Ch. Starrigde Cawzfor Aplawz)

Puppy Dog
1st. Rijstone What A Cheek (L Cassar)
(Ch. Amashutu Wat About Me x Ch. Rijstone Cheeky Girl)

2nd. Mieridge Pawzfor Aplawz(AI)(Threlfall/White)
(Am Ch. Spring Valleys Great Gatsby x Ch. Starrigde Cawzfor Aplawz)

Junior Dog
1st. Starridge Point Taken (AI) (L Lewis)
(Grand Ch. Bearstar Doulen Ko ET x Ch. Starridge Cawt Ya Lookin)

2nd. Leoamani Rahsaan (D Willems)
(Amashutu Wils Spirit x Leosodawi Azizi)

Intermediate Dog
1st. Ch Otesha Utamu (M Howell)
(Grand CH. Skiska Solitaire Jest x Rijstone Mishindi)

Australian Bred Dog
1st. Ch Rijstone War Lord (B McVilly)
(Amashutu Wild Geese AI x Ch. Rijstone Buyani)

Open Dog
1st. Ch Bartess Wild Triumph TD ET (Bartolozzi/Stebbings)
(Ch. Jedazar Ximanga x Ch. Bearstar Lady Destiny)

DOG CC: Starridge Point Taken (AI)
RES DOG CC:Ch Bartess Wild Triumph TD ET

Minor Puppy Bitch
1st.Mieridge Absolute Aplawz(AI) (S Mewse)
(Am Ch. Spring Valleys Great Gatsby x Ch. Starrigde Cawzfor Aplawz)

Puppy Bitch
1st. Mieridge Aplawz Toimpres(AI)
(Am Ch. Spring Valleys Great Gatsby x Ch. Starrigde Cawzfor Aplawz)

Junior Bitch
1st. Kinshasa Velvet Revolver (Kinshasa Kennels)
(Grand Ch. Kargniuelan Hugo A Gogo x Rijstone Rising Sun)

2nd. Bartess Bold Koincidence (Bartolozzi/Stebbings)
(Ch. Kushika Garrison Savannah x Ch. Bartess Distorted Humour)

Intermediate Bitch
1st. Abbuka Blazing Star (K Young)
(Ujamma Red Handed x Amashutu Im A Gem)

Australian Bred Bitch
1st. Ch Skiska Sioux Squaw (L Lewis)
(Grand Ch. Skiska Solitaire Jest x Grand Ch. Skiska Warrior Princess)

2nd. Zawadi Call It Destiny (P Cowled)
(Amashutu WIld Geese AI x Zawadi Bilauli Johari)

3rd. Shelridge Congo Secrets (Ozrhode Kennels)
(Ch. Ozrhode Dia Jungle Blues x Ch. Caprivi Inside Secret)

Open Bitch
1st. Ch. Rijstone Cheeky Girl (M & V Stoneham)
(Amashutu WIld Geese AI x Rijstone Mujisa)

2nd. Ch Starridge Cawzfor Aplawz (S Mewse)
(Grand Ch. Bearstar Ko CD x Ch. Umkimzulu Indian Summer AI)

Bitch CC:Ch Skiska Sioux Squaw
Res Bitch CC:Ch. Rijstone Cheeky Girl

BOB (23): Starridge Point Taken (AI)
RU BOB (15):Ch Skiska Sioux Squaw

Junior In Group: Starridge Point Taken (AI)


Congrats to all the winners.


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