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- a dark blue car drives up,the driver gets out of the car with a sack,inside the sack was a puppy -- Demon, 06:58:21 01/31/04 Sat (
She lays there helplessly her owners named her demon because she was too aggresive.
Age:6 months
Personality; sometimes she can be sweet,but is aggresive around strangers and small children,and other dogs.
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- Imported GSD female for sale -- JD, 23:37:53 11/28/03 Fri (
I have for sale a Yasko vom Farbenspiel daughter,she is black/red,great structure and conformation.Has all even drives for SchH,protection is great,tracking is great as well,has Obedience for the BH{needs a little work done on the fuss}thats all though.She is 3 years of age,good hips,great conformation and structure,she is very smart,high drives to please,fun as well.She is excellent in all 3 phases of her work ethics,tracking,protection,and obedience.Daughter of the 2 time World Sieger Yasko vom Farbenspiel x Basha vom Waithaus,Basha is one of very few American bred female to ever get an V-1 at and LG show in Germany.These are not the best pics in the world but all I do have online.She placed P-2 in the USA Sieger show in 2001, I have her score card if youd like to see it,as well I will send you her certified pedigree.She is an Imported female from Belgium.Serious Inquiries only please.This is a quality female of good lines, as well an unbeatable temperament.She is good with stock animals,horses,would be great at herding{we have tested her already housebroken,great with kids, other dogs, even cats.Email me for better pics, the one on this site blew up and looked bad.
http://zvzw.2000dogs.com Serious Inquiry's Only please!!
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- A new puppy -- Shadow, 10:25:12 10/07/03 Tue (
A 3 week old pitbull/rottweiler puppy walks in and looks for an owner.
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- join -- Jenna, 15:57:03 08/14/02 Wed (
A cute little gray tabby kitten walks in looking for an owner.
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- Walks In -- Stella, 16:18:15 05/29/02 Wed (
A small borer collie female puppy walks in. She is looking for a owner...
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- Please come join my new game I've taken over! It's in major need of activity! -- Owner, 16:15:13 04/20/02 Sat (
Endless River
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- ~A 4 mounth old pup walks into the area.~ -- none, 10:22:29 03/23/02 Sat (
Her name-none
her speacies-dog
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- ~*~A doe and her two babys walk in~*~ -- Nalla/Bambi/Keira, 14:27:46 03/18/02 Mon (
They stop to graze.
4 years old
Baby 1
3 weeks old
Baby 2
3 weeks
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- *walkes in* -- Casted Aside & 4 pups, 08:25:37 03/09/02 Sat (
*young female German Shepherd walkes in, head held low, pups following behind her in a single file* *she looks around slowly, gashes showing all over her body from where her former owner used to abuse her* *CA lays down, but still looks around, scared* *the 3 pups curl up beside her, glad they stopped for now*
Name: Casted Aside
Age: 3
Gender: Female
Breed: German Shepherd
Color: Black/brown
Pup 1:
Name: Doesn't Have One
Age: 5 months
Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd
Color: Black
Pup 2:
Name: Doesn't have one
Age: 5 months
Gender: Female
Breed: German Shepherd
Color: Black
Pup 3:
Name: Doesn't have one
Age: 5 months
Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd
Color: Black
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- *A truck drives up, a man gets out and opens the passenger door* -- Dreya, 12:19:40 02/06/02 Wed (
*The man takes a small cat out, strokes her and says his final goodbye. He begins crying silently and gets in the car. He drives away and the cat miaows.*
Casual Name: Dreya
Species: Cat
Breed: Siamese
Age: 1 year
Show Name: Squirrel's Drey
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- 3 german Shepherds are walked into the pound. -- Saponi/Mia/Max, 09:00:08 01/21/02 Mon (
Their stats
Breed:German Shepherd
Age:1 year old
Temperment:Very friendly.She gets shy around male dogs,but once she gets to know them she comes out of her shell.
Note:She is in heat right now.Also she is trained in protection.
Breed:German Shepherd
Age:1 year old
Temperment:Very energetic.She is also friendly.She can get aggresive around females,but with male dogs she gets playful.
Note:She's in heat right now.She is a full sister to Saponi.Also she is trained in protection.
Breed:German Shepherd
Age:1 year old
Temperment:Can be extremly aggresive to strangers and male dogs.Can get to wild{Hormonal} around females.
Note:Full brother to Mia and Saponi.Trained in protection.
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- *A car drives in* -- ?, 16:36:04 01/20/02 Sun (
*the car slows down quite a bit, but does not stop fully. The passenger side door is opened and something is shoved out. It tumbles to the ground and yelps as the car drives off, running over it's hind leg. You figure out that "something" is a dog ...
Name: Doesn't have one
Age: Unknown; between 3 and 5
Breed: Border Collie
Gender: Male

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- Hannah decides to stay at the wonderful town with all it's wonderful folks!!! -- Hannah, 16:15:15 12/29/01 Sat (
Yes, it is true!! The little pug pup that has been dumped by her previous owners and has been wanderin' about, has finally decided to stay where the people are kind!!!!!!!
~~~ Once upon a not too distant day, Hannah, a one-year-old pug puppy, was minding her own business, sleepin' in front of the fireplace. Her owners came up to her and told her to jump in the car... they were going for a ride. Hannah excitedly raced to the car and jumped in with love, joy, and trust. Little did the young pup know that she would be betrayed by the peolpe she knew and loved. About an hour in to the car ride, they finally stopped. They told Hannah to get out and stretch her legs, and Hannah did as told. Before she could turn around, the car door slamed shut and the wheels screamed as they left Hannah in the middle of nowhere... with no one.~~~
Name: Hannah Miranda Pootswaddle IV Breed: Pug dog
Color: Fawn w/black ears & face Age:1
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- The Pets -- Jag, Cruise, Banshee, and Jones, 16:01:03 12/26/01 Wed (
Name: Jag
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Age: 11
Gender: Male
Color: Black
Companion: Warren Getty
Personality: Very bad-tempered, hostile towards strangers; a hard and proficient worker, designed to herd cattle and sheep; is independent, loyal and deters to no one but Warren.
Name: Cruise
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Age: 7
Gender: Male
Color: Black and tan
Companion: Warren Getty
Personality: Friendly and approachable, very trustworthy, responsible, and respected by Warren. Though he may not trot right up and lick strangers, he will never show his teeth or growl unless there is a threat; instead, he stays at a respectable distance, smiles, and wags his tail. A hard worker; the only other being Jag is friendly towards.
Name: Banshee
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Age: Under 1 year
Gender: Male
Color: Black and lemon yellow; long hair
Companion: May Evans
Personality: Care-free and light-hearted; loves wide open spaces, chew toys, and pestering the older dogs (though Cruise seems to like it and has even become a mentor to the young pup, teaching him to herd poultry and wild geese); rowdy and hyperactive.
Name: Jones
Breed: Tabby Cat
Age: 8
Gender: Male
Color: Orange
Companion: May Evans
Personality: Lazy, with no purpose whatsoever but to roam the countryside and lounge around the girl's dorm. Has been declawed to prevent scratching, but still swipes at and even chases the dogs every once in a while.
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- Authentication Error and Clasikal Muzik(Repost, messed up) -- Authentication Error and Clasikal Muzik, 07:25:01 12/28/01 Fri (
Show handle: Clasikal Muzik
Casual handle: Muzik
Age: 2 years
Gender: Female
Hue: Brindle
Breed: Basenji
Owned?: Not anymore
Extra Info: Mother of A.E., ran away with A.E. from abusive owner. Both are wild and need a caring home that will nurse them back to health and give them a reason to trust humans again.
Show handle: Authentication Error
Casual handle:A.E.
Age:7 months
Gender: Male
Hue: Brindle
Breed: Basenji
Extra info: Son of Muzik, both need homes!

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- Authentication Error and Muzik -- Authentication Error..., 07:22:55 12/28/01 Fri (
Show handle: Clasikal Muzik
Casual handle: Muzik
Age: 2 years
Gender: Female
Hue: Brindle
Breed: Basenji
Owned?: Not anymore
Extra Info: Mother of A.E., ran away with A.E. from abusive owner. Both are wild and need a caring home that will nurse them back to health and give them a reason to trust humans again.
Show handle: Authentication Error
Casual handle:A.E.
Age:7 months
Gender: Male
Hue: Brindle
Breed: Basenji
Extra info: Son of Muzik, both need homes!

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- [- Dogs and Teen Enters -] -- Dezi, Jo, Baby, 18:06:23 12/23/01 Sun (
[dog] Name: Jo
Gender: male
Breed: Husky
Personality: He is very protective , of Dezi , and can sometimes be very vicious. If he likes you tho, he is a doll.

Name- Baby
Gender- female
Breed- Lab
Personality- Shes a Joker. she LOVES people, and other animals. Very Courious tho, smoetimes a REAL trouble maker

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- .Walks in with Her Other Pets. -- Kayte, 00:54:52 12/23/01 Sun (
.She walks in with the pets she just got for Christmas. Hummin along as she goes...
Name- Cody
Gender- male
Breed- Lab Puppie

Gender- Female
Breed- Husky Puppie

Gender- Female
Breed- kitten

Names- Faith and Hope
Gender- Female
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- *Elizabeth leads in her goats, pig, and cow* -- Elizabeth, Shimmer, Shawnee, Sparkle, Blossom, Oscar, Godiva, and Wilburita, 12:57:05 12/22/01 Sat (
Goats: (Nubian)
Shimmer and her daughters Blossom and Sparkle; Shimmer's sister Shawnee; Oscar, the black and white buck
Godiva -- chocolate-colored cow used for milk
pink pig :)
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- Registes pets.... -- Kari, 17:37:27 12/21/01 Fri (
Name: Victorious Win aka Victorious
Breed/Species: Australlian Cattle Dog
Age: 4
Gender: Male
Color: Light tan, light brown, and white
Information/Job/Personality: Herds cattle and pigs; herds cattle and loves to run and play. Was born in North Carolina, and was raised by Kari. She tought him how to, sit, stay, roll over, bark, shake, plus all of the herding commands. Very obediant and loving....
Name: Gaurdian
Breed/Species: Doberman Pinscher Dog
Age: 3
Gender: Male
Color: Brown & Black
Information/Job/Personality: Gaurds Property and Owner; gaurds house and property for Kari. Was born and raised specifiically as a gaurd dog in Virginia. When he was one Kari adopted him. He is fierce, tough, always alert, and doesn't let anyone touch him or his owner. Sometimes he'll play, but not much. He is content chewing a bone and watching over the dorm. Knows every command and trick you can think of. Loves his owner....
Name: Saura
Breed/Species: Border Collie Dog
Age: 5
Gender: Female
Color: Black & white
Information/Job/Personality: Herds Goat and Sheep; She is a good companion and loves to enter dog shows where she can weave through poles on the obstical course. She also loves to catch frisbees. She was born in South Carolina and was trained as a herding dog. Was adopted by a boy, then went back to the shelter and was adopted by Kari at age two. Knows basically every trick you can think of and knows all the herding commands. She is very smart and loyal....
Name: SilverMoon
Breed/Species: Tabby Cat
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Color: Silver-gray With Black Stripes
Information/Job/Personality: Job is to be a good companion. She is old and lost all of her youngness. She sits around the house and loves to curl up on Kari's lap. She is simple and doesn't know any tricks. She was found by Kari when she was three and has lived with her since....
The girl struggles to lead away all of her pets....
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