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Fae smiles and takes... -- fae, 16:59:30 10/21/02 Mon (
out her cd player popping in ICP(Insane Clown Posse) and starts swaying to the music as she unpacks her crap.She hopes that nobody has a problem with rap.
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He smiles shyly as he peeks through the open door into the girls' common room..... -- Matt, 16:06:11 04/30/02 Tue (
He smiles, "Uh....Hi! I'm kinda new here, and...uh. I just kinda thought that I should meet everybody since we're a way." He blushes at the fact that he doesn't know what to say. A Boarder Collie walks up behind him and ists down obediently. He looks around with handsome blue eyes and waits for someone to anwser his greeting....
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§it's like I'm paranoid§ -- Sydney, 19:44:50 05/04/02 Sat (
//tall, New Yorker strode in tiredly...she hadn't been around for awhile, but hey, no one had been here looked like more had come since she had left...\\
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She sleepily walks back into her dorm. . . -- Colleen, 17:01:11 04/28/02 Sun (
She gently layed the sleppy puppy onto his little fluffy bead and then tucked his favorite blanky around him. She changed into her flannel PJ pants and pulled her hair back into a messy pony tail. She put on her coat and walked out the door. She was tired, but very hungry. She went out to get some carry out food.
~A 1/2hour later~
She walked into the dorm to find her puppy sound asleep. She opened up the warm package to BBQ ribs with a baked potatoe. She dug into the messy ribs and then slowly ate her potatoe. Franklin woke up because of the smell of the ribs and walked over to her. He layed his head on her lap and licked her leg. She handed him a bone that still had some meat on it and let him chew it. She then cleaned up her small kitchen and sat down on her balcony. She sat in the little lawn cair with her fuzzy blanket, and a Horse Illustrated magazine. She smiled and then looked down at the beach, watching for any wild horses. She then laughed softly at her little daydream and looked over at the barn. There were still lights on. She could almost smell the scent of leather and horses. She could here the faint whinnies and nickers of horses greeting each other. She laughed when she thought she even heard Toby whinnying to the mare in the stall next to him.....
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*enters* -- Amy, 09:13:34 04/23/02 Tue (
* Amy enters house and chooses a room, one with a balcony over looking the beach. She sighs. She begins to unpack, letting Duchess out and alowing Burn to sleep on the bed. The dorm house is completly quiet, making everything seem eery. She opens the doors to the balcony.* Hm, no one is on the beach today. That's surprising, it's such a lovley day.
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She Walks In A Bit Tired. . . . . . . -- Colleen, 15:54:04 04/28/02 Sun (
She walks in, balancing all of her bags on top of her black show trunk. "Uh oh!" She yelped as her suit case came crashing to the floor. She dropped everything and restacked it. This time she made it to her room and opened her dorm door. She smiled at the cozy scenery. There were horse pictures on the walls, with a balcony that had a view of the beach and the stable. She smiled and sighed with relief as she set her bags on the floor. She then got orgonized by putting everything away. She set up some of her pictures on the shelves and hung her favorite one on the wall. It was a picture of her and Toby flying over a large oxer at a college show. She smiled again as she picked up another picture of her and Toby making their victory gallop around the ring at the most important show of their lives. The show in New York at Madison Square Garden. There were blue and red ribbons flying behind the grey and black mane of her beloved steed. They had placed in first in their jumpers class. Then, she was reminded that she needed to go to the barn to help get her horse settled in. She made a few last touch ups on her "apartment", and then made her way down to the stable. Franklin bounded out the door after her, tripping over his fuzzy ears.
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Please come join my new game I've taken over! It's in major need of activity! -- Owner, 16:19:02 04/20/02 Sat (
Endless River
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*walkes around* -- Kayla, 09:07:38 04/11/02 Thu (
*Kayla walkes around, bored with nothing to do.* *Max walkes over to Kayla's bed and lays down beside it, also bored.* *Kayla lays down on the bed and pets Max.*
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-enters after 2 week absence- -- Rick & Torrance, 22:55:38 02/09/02 Sat (
=Rick groans under Torrance's bags.= "It was only 2 weeks, why did you pack so much!" =he puts them in her room, before looking around.=
-Torrance rolls her eyes.- "To you it's 2 weeks, to me, it's like a year."
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Katie and her mom walks in -- Katie/Jonna, 15:19:03 03/20/02 Wed (
She walks in and finds an empty room.She tosses her luggage on it.~Mom guess what.I found my brothers two horses.~Her mom says~Let me see them first they may be someone elses.~Mom!!But they were wild I took them in!~Ok I guess you can keep them~Katie pets her dog Tag~I'm going on a trail ride see-ya Mom!Come on Tag.~And they walk out the door.~
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Don't turn around... -- Sydney, 20:45:37 03/16/02 Sat (
Her entrance was unmarked as was the norm; not many wanted much to do with an unruly probation charge who drove a little too fast and had a mouth that was a little too big. She shrugged it off, moving on into the lodge with a slow, cocky air to her stride. Untouchable - that's what she was - and ever would be. Brown locks fell over unexpressive blue eyes, her slender body encased in a fitted jeanjacket over a "Kudos" t-shirt in white with pale blue script. The normal well fit jeans hugged hip and buttocks, presenting a streamlined, carefree soul, neck and wrist littered with strings, necklaces and bracelets, none overly bright - and most with little significance.
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*walkes* -- Kayla, 14:45:33 03/07/02 Thu (
*she walkes in and looks around, Max jumping around in circles* *she sets her bags down and picks up the pup and pets him* You better not get into any trouble, Max. For now, your my only friend. *she sets the pup back down and picks up her bags and looks around for somewhere to put her stuff*
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Where dangerous angels fall.. -- Sydney, 00:29:49 03/03/02 Sun (
The jet colored Eclipse pulled in, revving, and breaking down to light purrs as the brunette inside finally turned it off, pocketing the keys before her slender form slid out of the driver's set, closing the door and setting the alarm. Hands on the hips of worn old blue jeans, slung low on narrow, flat hips, she cocks a head curiously at the looming building, then shakes it. Sporting no winter coat, she crosses mildly muscled arms (wrists littered in an array of bracelets and strings) over a cut off, tattered American Eagle t-shirt, and starts in.

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Walks in -- Elysa, 07:48:36 02/24/02 Sun (
Followed closely by a Siamese cat, she drops her bag in front of her and grins. "Hello."
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They both packed up..... -- Kari & Vivian, 17:24:06 02/19/02 Tue (
Vivian took all the pictures off the walls and everything else lying about while Kari cleaned all the drawrs and small places. Finally, they had all ELEVEN bags packed up and they lifted up the bags and called there three dogs. They closed the door behind them and walked out the dorm. "Goodbye! We'll miss this place!" They smiled and walked towards the barns...
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So I'm Quiet, Your Point? -- Kaylie Gibson, 15:16:45 02/07/02 Thu (
Female enters the dorms a black strap connected to a dufflebag 'claims' her sholder. She sighs and sits on a couch in the 'common room'. Setting her bag down she looks around, suddenly a male appeared grinning widly at her. COREY! Get out she screached, then covered her mouth suddenly aware of the attention she was bringing to herself and her twin. Lowers her voice slightly You can't come in here Corey. she says pointing at a sign on the door Girls dorm traces the words with a single digit. The masculane figure rolls his eyes I can read Kaylie. he retorts grinning lightly, then throwing a backpack at her, which she just barely catches. I wanted to bring you this Blue eyes scan the area I'm leaving now, you thought I actually wanted to be with you or something The female rolls her eyes Just leave Corey. she replys then turns away from her brother.
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She Looks. . . . -- Colleen, 19:27:21 02/05/02 Tue (
She looks through her photo ablbum as she sits on her favorite couch. She flips through the endless pages of pictures of her with Vincent at shows. She smiles when she gets to a picture of her and Vincent back home at their old barn. She missed her home. She sighed as she turned the page to see the picture of her and her old boyfriend sitting together on his horse's back. He had owned a grey mare named Danali. She was so sweet. They had used to take rides together on the trails to watch the sunset and ride double on the young mare's back. She turned the page as to escape the painful memories. Her boyfriend had dumped her because it was hard having a long distance relationship. She longed for another boyfriend. She sighed and smiled at her dog Cnace as he licked her face. "I know boy, you will always be my little boyfriend."
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.-= Apperance =-. -- Joey, 07:47:25 01/30/02 Wed (
.-= Fatale enters the Room. Seeing a small secluded area she lays her stuff on the bed. She whistle and her husky, Risq, runs in. She grins and says. "How ya like it here girl?" =-.

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Tonya draggs her case in by one handle... -- Tonya, 15:57:59 01/29/02 Tue (
lugging the heavy thing. She set it down with a loud "THUNK!" and looked around with a wide smile on her freckle-spattered face. "Hello, everyone!"
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~Corran stumbles into the common room~ -- Corran, 13:21:45 01/21/02 Mon (
~Scorn is prancing around her master's legs, making it difficult for him to walk~ Scorn! Sit! ~he says sharply to the puppy, who instantly complies~ Good girl. ~he says, smiling at her, then lifts his eyes and meets those of Torrance and Ivy~ Oh, gawd... ~he says, turning bright red~ I'm in the wrong dorm.... ~he begins to back up and trips over Scorn, who had resumed running circles around his ankles~ ~sitting down hard on his bum, he starts to laugh at himself, and the little white puppy anxiously licked his face~ Terribly sorry, girls... I had no idea. ~he says, holding Scorn to his chest as he picks himself off the ground~ ~he smiles charmingly at Torrance and Ivy~ I'm Corran Horn... ~he trails off, eyes locked on Ivy~ Ivy Harper? ~he says incredulously~
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She walks into the building -- Saponi, 20:11:48 01/23/02 Wed (
She sees the door slightly opened and walks inside.When inside she sees this big place with rooms galore.Then she feels a little scared and walks over to the room with a fireplace and lies down waiting for her owner to come and take her to the right room.
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new gal walkin singin -- steen, 19:21:50 01/26/02 Sat (
walks in singin funny sons.. by blink 182.... shee grab her horse junk drops it loudly ... makes alot of noises wit her boots... hi every 1
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She Walks In With Her Saddle -- Colleen, 16:50:51 01/26/02 Sat (
She opens the door and walks over to her bead. She sets her saddle down quietly, careful not to awake her sleeping dogs. She pulls out some leather cleaner and sits down on her favorite comfy chair. Grabbing a rag she began to clean her saddle.
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~crazy~ -- Echo, 19:13:29 01/25/02 Fri (
~she lay on her bed, thinking about her colt~ ~he went crazy in new places~ ~so she better get over to him, and check he hadn't kicked down the stall~ ~stands up, before hurring to the barn~
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She Walks In A Bit Tired. . . . . . . -- Colleen, 15:09:01 01/24/02 Thu (
She opened the door, greeted by her dogs. "Oh.... Hey guys." She gives them a pat and then walks over to her bead. She pulls off her boots and changes her clothes into some comfortable flares, and an oversized sweatshirt. She put on her favorite ppair of fuzzy slippers and sat down on a big, fluffy couch. She sighed with relif when her back cracked. "Ow......" She mumbles to herself as her puppy jumped onto her stomache. "Hey Gumbo.... Were you good today?" She played with the little Beagle as he nibbled on her sweatshirt sleave. She laughed as her older Boarder Collie walked up to her. "Yes boy..... I love you too." She kissed him on the nose and rested her head back. "I'm sooo tired." She said to herself.
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..::Enters::.. -- .:Jefferson:., 19:50:11 01/21/02 Mon (
.:the male enters and glances around. Feeling slightly embarresed, he runs his hands through his raven hair:.
Uh, hello. I'm new here and was just checking everything out.
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New Teenage Girl Walks In . . . . . -- Colleen, 19:16:07 01/23/02 Wed (
She walked in and gently set her trunks down next to an empty bead. She sighs with relief and rubbs her back. "Ouch." She says to herself. She settles down her dogs and then starts to get all of her things organized. When she was finally done, she plopped onto the bead and layed there peacefully. "Finally!" She said happily. She looked around at the empty dorm and then decided to go down to the barn and see if her horse had gotten there yet.
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~stumbles in~ -- Echo, 23:30:50 01/21/02 Mon (
~tugs female collie after her, as she struggles in the door with her bags, singing Overprotected by Britney Spears softly~ Come on Kira. ~she mutters to the dog, before returning to her singing of Overprotected~ ~she finds an empty room, and puts her stuff down, song still coming out of her mouth softly~ ~the collie pads around the room curiously, before barking over the top of Echo's singing~ ~the girl laughs, ruffling Kira's brown and white coat playfully~ You wrecked my singing, silly girl. ~she said, before starting another song, this time, Wish You Were Here by Incubus, perfectly in tune and time without music~

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Newbie -- Jewels and Jason, 17:42:08 01/20/02 Sun (
Skips in with Jason behind her carrying all her stuff. "Man you need to learn how to pack lighter," he teased lightly setting the stuff on an empty bed, "Sorry for intruding ladies, just helpin her out. Later..." He waved and left. "Thanks," she called after him.
"Hi all I'm Jewels! and this..." she said pulling a small black cat out of her backpack, "is Shadow." I hope I'm welsome here?" She looked around.
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As she walks in -- Lauren, 12:30:00 01/20/02 Sun (
I walk in carrying 2 heavy suitcases covered in dust and very tired. I through my stuff down and ask were the empty bed was so i could put my stuff away. I wanted to be nice but was tired and hungry from my long trip. I am also excited for this new adventure and can't wait to make some new friends! (especially boys J/K)
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Newcomer -- Ivy Harper, 18:18:57 01/16/02 Wed (
(If you can't see that, right click it and say load image... geocities is tempermental. :oD)
~toting a gigantic duffle bag and a guitar case, Ivy stumbles into the common room, dropping the bag and setting her guitar case gently on the floor~ ~surveys the common room and smiles at the astonished faces of the people sitting on various chairs~ ~brushing her dark, wavy hair from her brilliant golden eyes, she tilts her head slightly at the others and smiles~ Hi everybody... does anyone know which rooms are still available? I don't really want to carry all my stuff into the wrong room... ~she says with a friendly smile, her large golden eyes crinkling slightly~
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Walks in... -- Alexandria, 06:43:33 01/19/02 Sat (
*A young girl walks in. She sets her bags down to rest her arms as she looks for an empty room. She picks up a duffle bag, three garment bags, and two dance bags. She lugs all her stuff to her room. She goes into the bathroom and puts her hair into a bun and fixes her makeup. She goes back and hangs up the garmet bags in the closet and buts the things in the duffle bags up. She opens one bag to reveal tons of leotards, tights, skirt, and everytime of dance wear imaginable. She grabs her point shoes out of the second dance bag. She is a ballerina and dances many other dances too. The slips on a leotard and tights and walks to the main room. She looks around to see if anyone's there. She sees a few people walk in talking and all the pets there are here. She never had a pet because she's a controlle freak and doesn't have time for such things she says. She puts on some music, Rachmoninoff's Symphony No. 2 and Vocalise, and starts to stretch. She uses the back of the chair as a bar and starts to warm up.*
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-grumpy- -- Torrance, 22:55:32 01/16/02 Wed (

-slim figure sat cross legged on her bed, frowning in concentration as she wrote in black ink across the page. Chocolate curls blinding her vision, she rummages in her drawer until she finds a black hairtie. Pulling all the curls back into a tight ponytail, she picks up the pen, and continues to write quickly across the page of her diary.-
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*Walks in and gets up onto her bed* -- Elizabeth, 07:24:18 12/31/01 Mon (
*She turns on her CD player and sings along softly*
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-Ricky knocks on Torrance's door...- -- Torrance and Rick, 21:55:04 12/27/01 Thu (
-Torrance sighs, then leaps off her bed and opens it.- Ricky! Long time, no see! -She exclaims, then grins.- My little bro! What you doing here? -Ricky grins then wiggles his eyebrows.- Checking out all the girls. -Torrance punched him playfully.- Well, I guess, that is like you, you little wierdo. -the 21 year old Torrance, shrugs then sighs.- Apart from looking at the girls, what have you been doing? -Rick smiles then shrugs.- I've been slaving over Dawn, trying to get him in shape for his maiden race in 2 weeks. He just never seems to have that extra burst of speed to win. I just can't seem to get him to the fitness he needs for that extra speed. -He sighs, then shrugs.-
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-sighs- -- Torrance, 19:29:32 01/01/02 Tue (
-she goes into her room, shuts the door behind Elizabeth and Rick, frowning.- Why does everything happen to him? -she wonders, then kicks her bag, only holding some clothes. Torrance tucks a escaped curl behind her ear, then flops on her bed, scowling. She turns her CD player on, puts in her Linkin Park CD, and turns it to the song, In The End. She turns it up, not too loud, but loud enough to sing.- I tried so hard, and got so far, but in the end,
it doesn't even matter, I had to fall, and lose it all, but in the end, it doesn't even matter. -she sings along with the CD, before putting it on repeat, her face sullen and angry.-
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::knocks quietly:: -- Stephen Valamorske, 08:43:31 12/29/01 Sat (
::He pokes his head into the feminine dorms, smiling shyly at the many faces that erupt.:: "Oh, hey. I don't know if this is forbidden or something." ::He grins sheepishly, tousling his brownish tendrils sloppily.:: "I just wanted to aquaint myself with the entire place. Sorry, ladies."

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Hannah races in to the girl's dorm, sniffin' about to see who's there... -- Hannah, 12:48:24 12/30/01 Sun (
While she runs, she hits a slippery spot on the floor, and falls flat on her flat face!! She stands and wiggles her nose... *Oooff!*
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The Pug pup runs in to the dorm with excite ment.... -- Hannah, 16:19:34 12/29/01 Sat (
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*May exits her room and heads downstairs.* -- May, 22:52:17 12/28/01 Fri (
*May trots down the steps and into the parlor, looking left and right for another door that might lead to a cafeteria or somewhere she can eat.* This place is huge, *she mutters to herself, doubting she'll ever learn to find her way around. Her hazel eyes search for someone she can ask directions from...*
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The pup trots in.... -- Spice, 08:38:42 12/27/01 Thu (
She trots up to Vivian and wags her tail furiously....
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A young woman in blue jeans and a gray cotton turtleneck crashes through the front door. -- May, 16:39:19 12/26/01 Wed (
She struggles to balance three handbags and a black leather purse in her arms, while simultaneously trying to keep the hair out of her eyes. Part of it has been pinned back with a claw, but the rest of her golden mane hangs loose. She stops in the doorway and looks behind her. Sitting in front of the building is her brother's rust-colored pickup, and the older man in the driver's seat idly drums his fingers on the steering wheel. A large, pure black dog sits beside him, running his pink tongue across his nose, while another one stands in the open bed with his tail wagging. A younger German shepherd with long black and yellow fur trots clumsily on oversized paws, trying to catch up with May as she waits for him in the doorframe. When the puppy clatters into the room, his toenails ringing on the wood floors, May waves to her brother (who does not wave back), shuts the door, and hauls her luggage upstairs to her room.
Once in the room the dog, Banshee, begins to explore every nook and cranny. May smiles at him as she stands by the bed, unpacking clothes and toiletries. Having your own room should give you a break from the other dogs, she says to Banshee, who looks up from a dresser drawer and tilts his head. May laughs. You stay here for a while. I'm gonna go find somethin' to eat. Banshee follows her to the door, but May walks out and shuts it behind her.
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Walk in..... -- ~*~Vivian~*~, 18:06:17 12/26/01 Wed (
a girl wearing a black sleevless shirt and bellbottoms walked in. She unpacked and set things up. She brushed her dark brown hair back over her shoulder and piercing blue eyes looked over the room in approval. She turned and headed for the pet shop.....
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Shy.. -- Elizabeth (Liz), 09:47:02 12/24/01 Mon (
*Walks in shyly, finds a place with a nice view, sets her stuff down and unpacks* A big collie named Laddie follows her in. "Hi, i'm Elizabeth Turner. Call me Liz, though."
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.Enters With Her Pets. -- Kayte, 01:01:50 12/23/01 Sun (
.She comes in. In her hand a basket...She sets it down then runs outside and grabs her things. As she enters again she drops her stuff at the door and pulls out the creautes from the she counts them and makes sure that they are all there.....



Faith and Hope-

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Hey everyone! Just a reminder --- when you're posting a message... -- Owner, 18:47:58 12/23/01 Sun (
... that has a different font or alignment, PLEASE PUT IN THE CLOSING HTML TAGS! Otherwise the rest of the page, including all the messages before the one you posted, will be in a different font than they were originally.
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[- Enters -] -- Dezi, 17:58:38 12/23/01 Sun (
[- Teen Enters. She glances around. Seeing a small secluded area she walks over and puts her stuff on the bed. She starts to unpack her things. Putting up pictures, and posters. Soon it feels like home. Glancing around she walks out side and Whistles.. -]
- At the sound of the whistle a huge Alaskan Husky runs t'wards her. Not far behind a little lab puppy stumbles to keep up. The Husky looks back, seeing the trouble the puppy is having he waits then grabs the puppy in his mouth. When they reach her he sets the puppy down and walks into her 'room' and jumps on the bed.-
[- Dezi smiles and picks up the puppy.."Hey there Baby, how are you today?"..She sets the puppy down at the foot of her bed. The Husky looks up at her and she laughs.."Yes, I love you too Jo."..After the dogs are asleep she walks out in front of the dorm..Awaitng new Friends..-]
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The pug pup sees the kittens and barks playfully to them. Hannah loves kittens... she thinks they're cute..... -- Hannah, 13:53:17 12/23/01 Sun (
She runs in fast tight circles... round round round.... "ARF ARF YIP YIP BARK ARF!!!" She seems to be smiling!
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Hannah runs off toward the parlor.... -- Hannah, 15:10:01 12/23/01 Sun (
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*He walks in from his own dorm* -- Trevor, 10:40:05 12/23/01 Sun (
Hey everyone. This seems to be where all the action is. It got lonely in my dorm. *He runs his fingers through his chocolatey brown hair.* Does anyone want to go out for ice cream tonight?
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a little lost pug dog enters the room...... -- Hannah, 13:28:26 12/23/01 Sun (
The one year old pug pup enters, stops ,sniffs the air around her and then circles in a spot, then finally sits on the floor and stares ay anyone and everyone..... "ARF!!!"
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-walks in, loaded with bags- -- Torrance, 17:50:01 12/22/01 Sat (
-she stumbles into her room, before dumping all her bags on the floor. She shrugs then yawns. "I'm never gonna get them unpacked." -she shrugs again, then grins. Torrance sighs then flops on her bed. She could unpack another day.-
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She walks in and goes to..... -- Melanie, 07:47:38 12/22/01 Sat (
a large room with a window facing the stables (balcony included)and a large walk in closet. She begins putting up picture of Criminal Justice and ribbons from horse shows. setting up her computer and stero she turns the stero on and makes the bed. Hearing a loud Bark she turns and sees her Trainer with her dog, Lexi. *Oh Lex Im sorry*she runs over and takes the leash from Sadie(her trainer)*thanks*
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Enters Dorm.... -- Kari, 17:42:07 12/21/01 Fri (
She goes to her room and unpacks everything from her eleven bags. (a lot!) She cleans and arranges her dorm and lets her cat, SilverMoon, out of the kennel. SilverMoon hops onto the couch and sleeps. Then Kari unleashes her Doberman gaurd dog, Gaurdian, and watches him lay by the door. She then sends her other two dogs to the barns and looks at her dorm. She smiles to herself and leaves to the barns....
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*She walks in, looks about, and moves into a room overlooking the mountains, with a balcony outside.* -- Elizabeth, 09:49:17 12/21/01 Fri (
*She unpacks her belongings with meticulous care, and makes it look like her own ... she puts up posters from her favorite musicals (Les Miserables and Phantom of the Opera) and bands (Goo Goo Dolls, Blink182, and No Doubt); sets out photos of her friends and family; rearranges the furniture so she has room for a piano; etc. She sighs, breathing in the sweet smell of the valley.*
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