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- need owner -- Egyptian Dancer, 16:44:50 02/28/03 Fri (
Vixen of 8 summers gallops forth. Moving as smooth as glass she rears and twirls creating a mystifiang dance. Her ebony flints barley touch the ground.
Egyptian Dance
8 winters
golden in color
Need owner
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- A lonely Stallion wanders into the barn... -- Majesty, 17:55:47 01/14/03 Tue (
The beautiful black stallion whinnies to the horses and thinks to himself, I wish I had a human of my own He then walks around some more looking for a human.....and hoping ofr a friend.....
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- She Leads in Midnight -- Sarah, 09:18:27 12/14/02 Sat (
She leads in a beautiful black mare named Midnight into stall number 13,throw a scoop of sweet feed into the feeder,and adds some hay in the hay feeder as a snack for later.Then she enters the tackroom and finds a spot for her English saddle and saddle pad,and bridle.She then puts her grooming supplies in a bucket next to her tack.Then she leaves and checks on Midnight one last time to make sure everythings okay.
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- A Jet Black mare looks for a Human -- Fate, 13:14:56 09/24/02 Tue (
A jet black mare Canters toward the stable and sees matts white stallion and runs to him and waits for matt to come
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- Leads in the fiesty stallion..... -- Matt, 15:47:56 04/30/02 Tue (
He laughs as the small stallion whinnied to the mares. "Whoa boy.", he said in a calm voice as he lead him to an empty stall. He then found an empty space in the tack room to put his stuff and went exploring. He frowned when he noticed that there weren't really any other people around......
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- Demons -- Speed Demon & Wind Demon, 14:20:01 05/03/02 Fri (
*the two young black stallions pace back and forth in their stalls, not having been out in a long time* *Windy snorts and lifts his head over the door, unlatching the stall door with his teeth* *Windy moves over to Speedy's stall and lets him out, then both stallions dash out of the barn, running back and forth in front of the barn, dodging everyone that tries to get them*
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- She whinnies and arches her neck..... -- Lil' Bit Of Hope ( Hope ), 16:08:50 04/30/02 Tue (
as she prances around the barn. She had a feeling that she could find a human here. . . .
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- Lead Toby back. . . -- Colleen, 19:21:31 04/29/02 Mon (
She leads the sweaty stallion in and brushes all the swaet away. She then untcks him and puts him away. "Goodnight pretty boy. You were so good today.", Colleen whispered to him as she hugged him goodbye and fed him a carrot.
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- She walks into the tackroom to get her stuff. . . -- Colleen, 16:43:13 04/29/02 Mon (
She looked at the three saddles on the wall. "Wich one should I ride today?", she asked herself as she eyed the saddles. She had her Dressage, Jumping, and All Purpose saddles lined up on racks on the wall. She grabbed the black Dressage saddle, a pair of white polos, a white Dressage pad, and her grooming supplies. She winced as her brand new tall boots ached on her feet. She was trying to break them in. She walked over to where Toby was prancing excitedly on the crossties. She brushed his coat and then tacked him up. When she was finally done, he almost looked ready for a Dressage show. All he needed was his mane braided. She sighed at the beauty of her horse as he stood perfectly square, arching his neck as if saying, "I'm just so handsome aren't I?". She bridled him with his loose ring snaffle Dressage bit. She made sure that the flash nose band across his nose was tight enough as she lead him out to the arena. Today, they would see how he would work in his new surroundings. . .
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- Walks in -- Shane, 15:49:53 04/29/02 Mon (
Leading his stallion
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- She waits for her horse to arrive. . . -- Colleen, 16:49:52 04/28/02 Sun (
She looks down at her watch. "They shoudl be here any minute Franklin.", she says softly to her puppy as he wimpers impatiently. She scratches him behind the ears.
A few mintues later the small two horse trailor pulls up in fron of the barn doors. She signs some papers and then walks to the back of the trailor. She walked in. Her stallino looked very excited. A mare whinnied from inside the barn while she began to lead the stallion down the ramp. His ears prick forward, he lifts his tail, showing off, and he prances gracfully down the ramp. His dark grey dapples shining in the sunlight. His soft black mane floating with every graceful movement. She leads him over to an empty stall and hooks him to the crossties. She unrapped his legs and then found a place to put her tack trunk, saddle, and bridle. She then brushed his coat off, even though it was already as clean as it could possibly get. She then decided that she should probably get going back to her dorm. She lead the stallion into his stall. She struggled as he practically ran through the stall door of the mare that has a stall next to his. She pulled hard on the lead rope and led him into his stall. "You're such a ladies man.", she laughed as he nickered through the boards of the stall. "Maybe I'll have to have you moved next to a gelding or something cus I think you might tare the stall apart." She laughed while giving him a kiss on his velvety nose. "Goodnight beautiful boy. We'll go for a long ride tomorrow." She closed the stall door, hung the halter and lead on his stall. She then picked up her sleppy puppy and walked back to her dorm.
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- Amy enters leading Mountain Mist -- Amy, 07:26:38 04/23/02 Tue (
* Amy enters leading Mountain Mist, an eight year old fleabitten Quarter Horse Stallion* Hello? *knocks on office door* Excuse me? I would like to rent a stall, please.
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- *Demons* -- Speed Demon & Wind Demon, 08:13:10 03/09/02 Sat (
*Speedy & Demon prance around outside the barn, leadropes dragging alone the ground, not knowing if the should enter or stay outside & await someone to claim them* *Speedy takes a few steps towards the barn & looks around, then backs away*
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- ~*~Wild~*~ -- Mustang, 16:56:47 03/19/02 Tue (
Wild Mustand trots out mad she snorts loudly.
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- |F|rightened -- Forgotten Mystery, 19:19:27 01/26/02 Sat (
The untamed stallion quickly rears and leaps in the air, he snorted and continued puuling on the thing on his face.
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- *The young border collie limps in on three legs* -- None, 12:33:24 01/21/02 Mon (
*supporting no weight on the mangled, bloody fourth one. He lies down with a yelp and puts his head on his paws, taking a quick look around before twisting around to lick his injured limb*
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- They walked to Devil Luck's stall.... -- Kari & Vivian, 17:29:01 02/19/02 Tue (
and Kari opened the stall door. She tacked him up and swung onto his back. Vivian swung onto him, sitting behind Kari. The three puppies walked at the horse's ankles as the three older dogs pulled a wagon filled with ELEVEN bags of belongings....
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- Impatience. -- Brio, 08:56:03 12/30/01 Sun (
In his stall centered in the barn, BM's Borrowed Time, or Brio, as he is fondly called, stands unmoving, save the occaisionally impatient bob of his head. Had Brooke forgotten to come for him? No, the afternoon ride was too important for even her to forget. Lanky chestnut gelding steps up to the stable door and snorts, kindly eyes surveying all about him, searching each and every nook and cranny for his young master. White-stockinged legs shift into a halfhearted prance as Brio draws his noble skull from it's gazing, dropping velveteen muzzle towards the bucket of grain at his unpolished gray forehooves.
Soon he would be racing across the sands of the beach again, if Brooke came. Racing across the golden sands, leaping nimbly over drift wood, sandcastles, shell piles, just like he used to. Just like he used to before.
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- finds sunnys stall -- steen, 14:33:56 01/30/02 Wed (
i guided sunny 2 his new stall to see if he likes it.. i think he did.. i looked around my new surroundings.. the place is pretty cool.. nice nice.. i put sunny in his stall .. then closd the door gave him a carrot and petted his nose and walked away hummin...i then started to look around
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- finds sunnys stall -- steen, 14:32:51 01/30/02 Wed (
i guided sunny 2 his new stall to see if he likes it.. i think he did.. i looked around my new surroundings.. the place is pretty cool.. nice nice.. i put sunny in his stall .. then closd the door gave him a carrot and petted his nose and walked away hummin...i then started to look around
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- She Leads In The Sweaty Stallion -- Colleen, 16:38:05 01/26/02 Sat (
Steam floats around his sweaty coat. She pats him and puts him on the crossties and begins to brush him. "You were such a good boy today." She gives him a hug and a carrot. She takes a soft brush and begins to brush away the loose hairs and sweat. "Easy boy." She talks softly to him as he nervously moves back and forth on the crossties. Once he was completely cooled down, and his legs were wrapped, she clipped the lead rope onto his halter and lead him back into his stall. "Bye bye baby boy." She kissed him on the nose and fed him another carrot before giving him one last pat and closing the stall door. She then picked up her saddle and brought it back to her dorm to clean it.
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- She Leads Out Her Horse -- Colleen, 19:24:32 01/23/02 Wed (
She leads out a beautiful stallion. His ears prick forward in anticipation to get to his stall. She leads him in and gives him a pat. "Goodboy." she says softly to him.
Name: Vincent
Show Name: Irish Way
Breed: Irish Warmblood
Color: Light Chestnut
Markings: Blaze & Stockings on all four legs
Training: Jumping and Hunter Classes
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- Leads in... -- kenna, 20:26:47 01/22/02 Tue (
Kenna leads her stallion Surefire out of the trailer coat shining and muscles ripling ,into an open box stall. She unlatches the lead rope, and gives him a hug before he gracefully moves over to nibble his hay.
Name: Surefire
Sire: the general
Dam: maybe
Age: 4 years
Height: 17hh
Breed: Thoroughbred
Color: chesnut
Gender: stallion/colt
Training: show jumping, eventing, hunter/jumper
Personality: loyal and brave but loves to play around
Pic: Coming soon
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- ~leads in a colt~ -- Echo, 17:21:32 01/22/02 Tue (
~bay colt dances on slender hindlegs, tossing small head excitedly~ ~Echo steadies the flighty Thoroughbred, then leads him into a stall, unclipping the leadrope~ ~colt sniffs around the stall curiously, then nickers to his blodne haired owner happily~ Good boy. ~she told him, before patting his blaze, and hurring off~

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- -restless- -- Torrance, 18:18:27 01/21/02 Mon (
-Torrance's young Thoroughbred filly, Flame Thrower danced restlessly in her stall, kicking and playing up. Torrance hurried over to the flaxen chestnut filly, putting a soothing hand on her neck. The filly calmed slightly, still restless from her 3 day travel from New York.-
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- ~Corran pulls up in a truck, pulling a horse trailer~ -- Corran Horn, 11:38:45 01/21/02 Mon (
~jumps out of the truck, trotting toward the trailer and unlatching the door~ ~he is followed by a bumbling white husky, the puppy tries to follow him as he steps into the trailer but is unable to make the step, being too small~ ~Corran laughs and picks her up, cradling her in the nook of his left arm as he runs his hands gently of the back of the black filly~ ~reaching her head, he unties her lead rope and talks softly to the young Thoroughbred as he backs her out of the trailer and onto the ramp~ ~filly tosses her head, nostrils wide, taking in the scents of this new place when her feet hit the earth~ ~she wheels, nearly jerking Corran off the ground as she rears, whinnying shrilly~ ~talking softly, gentle soothing words he coaxes the filly into the barn and into a stall~
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- HELP -- Sarah, 13:01:07 01/20/02 Sun (
Umm, i'm new here, can anyone tell me how to get an animal?
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- ~Ivy enters the barn~ -- Ivy, Dare Devil, 18:42:30 01/16/02 Wed (
~directly behind her follows a beautiful black Arabian... head free of a halter or bridle, the black bumps the girl affectionately with his nose, nearly knocking her over~ ~laughing, she places a hand beneath his cheekbone, murmuring softly, soothingly, as they walk down aisle~ ~powerful muscles ripple beneath his shimmery coat, the powerful creature uninhibited by any equipment~ ~suddenly, the black's head shoots up, nostrils flared, a clear, clarion call uttered from his lips as he scents other stallions~ ~Ivy sidesteps as her stallion lifts himself into a half rear, placing a hand upon the stallion's muscled neck~ ~the stallion immeadiately lowers his forelegs to the ground and nibbles at her fingers affectionately, nostrils and eyes still wide, but well under control as they pass the others until arriving at an empty stall, which Ivy opens and walks into, followed closely by the black~ ~shutting herself in witht the stallion, she runs her hands lovingly over his well groomed hide, crooning soft, nonsense words to ease his nerves~ ~stallion noses along the wall, accustoming himself to his new quarters as his beloved mistress leans against the fastened door, golden eyes crinkled with a smile of satisfaction as she watches the stallion munch the hay she had hung in the stall before bringing him in from the trailer~
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- Accomodation. -- Rachel Clearwater, 15:19:15 01/01/02 Tue (
To the open doorway of the barn a pair of creatures strides, a young woman in tan leather jacket and a sporthorse at her side. Rachel heads towards the warm and welcoming barn at a steady pace, surprised at the decidedly cooperative behavior of her usually rebellious dark chocholate gelding along his short trip from the trailer in the near distance to the wine red building looming before her. A bunched handful of leadrope is held in a balled fist to the black haired waitress' left, while her right hand grasps a short length of the material closer to her westphalian's muzzle, as to direct him with furthermore ease - and have a better chance of keeping him in check should he decide to be mischeivious. A glance is sent down to the well-built gelding's solid hooves, to make sure they weren't straying too close to her bluegray and white sneakers.
As the open doorway is reached, Rachel whispers for a halt to her horse. In stillness the young woman stands, observing the building's well kept interior, and the many inhabitants scattered throughout the large amount of stalls, ranging in size. Three conversing warmbloods and a pug pup are spotted further down the line, and for a moment the Clearwater girl dwells on this sight, before returning her gaze to the handsome bay to her right.
"You like this place as much as me, Normandy?"
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- *Warren leads in two Dutch Warmbloods.* -- Warren, 17:12:07 12/26/01 Wed (
*He strides down the corridor, his eyes landing on two box stalls across from each other. Gathering both leads in one hand, he opens the door and guides the first gelding, a chestnut with a braided mane, inside. He shuts the door and turns to the other stall, where he places Turk, the second warmblood. He's a large, older gelding with a glossy black coat and long, unkempt hair set in green silk ribbons that Warren's sister May insisted on. Then he refreshes both horses' food supply and water, then returns to Turk's stall to run a curry comb through his coat. Then he leaves, where his dogs are waiting in the truck, and heads for the dorm to unpack.*
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- *Leads in two horses...* -- Liz, 10:05:06 12/24/01 Mon (
*Puts the horses in stalls and gives them water, hay, and grain. Gently caresses them for a minute and promises she will be back later.*
Name: Storm Chaser
Nickname: Storm
Sire: Twister's Fury
Dam: Silver Bells
Age: 6 years
Height: 17 hh
Breed: Hanoverian
Color: dapple grey
Gender: stallion
Training: 3DE
Stud Fee: $500
Name: Dream Weaver
Nickname: Dream
Sire: Crazy Eights
Dam: Whitebrook Lass
Age: 7 years
Height: 16.3 hh
Breed: Thoroughbred
Color: bay
Gender: mare
Training: 3DE
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- *She leads Magna Carta into the first stall on the right.* -- Elizabeth and Magna Carta, 12:07:44 12/22/01 Sat (
There you go . . . *She croons to the majestic Palomino stallion. She fills the grain-basket and water trough.* I'll come back later to take you for a ride. *She gives him a little hug and leaves.*
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- hey>>> -- Kari, 16:56:23 12/21/01 Fri (
Can a couple poeple own this barn and take care of it?
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- -leads in a dappled filly and a ebony mare- -- Torrance, 18:07:47 12/22/01 Sat (
-she puts the mare and filly into their own stalls, then sighs. "You are a wierd one, Hep." -she murmurs to the filly then smiles.-
Name: Wild Momento
Nickname: Moment
Sire: Wild Wild West
Dam: Magical Moment
Age: 5 years
Height: 16.2hh
Breed: Thoroughbred
Color: Ebony Black
Gender: Mare
Training: Racing
Personality: Loves to race, but sometimes has a bad day.
Pic: Coming soon
Name: Heptonstall
Sire: Octagonal
Dam: Let's Elope
Age: 2 years
Height: 17hh
Breed: Thoroughbred
Color: Dapple Gray
Gender: Filly
Training: Racing
Personality: Fiesty, but loves to race and play around.
Pic: Coming soon
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- leads in c.j. -- Melanie, 17:11:24 12/21/01 Fri (
Name: Criminal Justice
Age: 3
Breed: Thouroughbred
Color: Grey
Gender: Stallion/Colt
Personality: Unpredictable and mean
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- Comes back in.... -- Kari, 17:00:25 12/21/01 Fri (
She leads in a mare...
Name: Devil's Luck
Age: 7
Breed: Thouroughbred
Color: Brown with white down her nose/four black socks
Gender: Mare
Personality: Unpredictable
The mare tossed her head and whinnied at the smell of a barn again. Kari leads her to a stall and grooms her before putting her in the stall and leaving to finish settling....
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