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Date Posted: 10:41:54 06/17/05 Fri
Author: Nat
Subject: "She's alright..." She shrugged a little and didn't know what else to say - Aly was heartbroken, but trying hard to stay positive and not worry too much. Really, she didn't want to talk about this again tonight - not because she wanted to forget her brother, but just because it seemed to consume their lives all of the time, and she just needed to try and not think about it for a little while. "I went to Frederick's today..." Her brows wiggled playfully and then one eyelid dropped in a wink, lips brushing his cheek briefly.
In reply to: Natalie 's message, "
I want to know if you can see the stars tonight...
on 09:13:06 06/17/05 Fri

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  • "Mmmm...." He grinned a little, tugging her a touch more on top of him. "Good change of subject, did you buy anything for me?" He adored her and her little surprises, couldn't believe that it had taken him so long of his life to figure out who she really was and how perfect she was for him. If he had realized this back when he was sixteen all their lives would have been a hell of a lot easier. "You did remember that I love black and red, right?" Two of his favorite colors, right there. (NT) -- Adam, 10:48:04 06/17/05 Fri

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