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Date Posted: Tue, Feb 14 2006, 7:54pm PST
Author: Nick
She says she's no good with words
But I'm worse

Eleven days had gone by with no change in the young mans status. It seemed that his internal injuries were healing as they should be but there was something wrong with his brain, something that was keeping him from opening his eyes and talking to them. They had run every type of test they could think of, brought in specialists from all over the country after being assured by Quin that money was no object. All of them had left puzzled though, not understanding what was keeping the man from waking up, there didn't seem to be any physical abnormalities with his brain, no swelling, no ruptures, no sign of an aneurysm or a stroke, there was just nothing for them to go on. It was a waiting game that was slowly driving everyone crazy and the wear of it was evident on each and every one of their faces and deep into their eyes, it was affecting everyone's very souls. Kate had gathered herself together - due to her husbands being there for her, being her rock and her strength - and was making sure Karlie would eat and get some sleep now and again and while Karlie rarely ever left the room, Quin, Kate and Shay would take turns sitting with her and with Nick. They talked to him, pleaded with him, cried and begged him to wake up to no avail until the evening of the thirteenth day.

It had been a normal day as far as normal went that week, Kate had come in the morning to sit with Karlie and then Quin had come after a few hours of work - life couldn't just stop as much as they wanted it too - and they had just sat in Nicks room, comforting one another and talking to Nick when suddenly, as if he had just been sleeping, his eyes opened and he looked around the room. His eyes focused on his father first of all and he offered a slight half smile though his head felt so groggy. When he continued around the room, his eyes finally laid on Karlie, seeing how drawn and tired she looked, how her eyes were so red and bloodshot and he realized he had done that to her. She must have found out about the girl he had slept with, she looked like she had been crying for days but for some reason he couldn't quite remember coming home that afternoon and telling her. His brow furrowed as he suddenly looked around, realizing that it was weird to have his parents in his room with his girlfriend but this...this wasn't his room. The monitor that was gauging his heart started beeping wildly as he started to panic in his confusion, not understanding what was going on or why he was here. His breath turned a little shallow and ragged as he shifted, wanting to move, wanting to get out of the bed. His arm that had the IV in it jerked, causing his eyes to widen and look down at the needle in his arm. He hated needles, always had, one of the real reasons he had never gotten a tattoo.

"Up!" He suddenly spoke, his eyes pleading with the family around him before he looked back down to the IV. "Up!!" He insisted again, bringing his gaze to theirs and then frowning, panicking more when they didn't respond to his pleads to get the IV out of him. "Over, over, up!" He insisted, pleading with them to please, please get it off. Why weren't they understanding?! His other hand came up to run over his face making him realize he could use that hand and he moved to just pull it out himself, leaving a stain of blood there. He had to get out of there, he was fine, there was nothing wrong with him. He had been a bit stressed over his infidelity and he had been pretty drunk but that was no reason to look at him like he was crazy and put him in the hospital. He had to make Karlie understand it had just been a mistake, a drunken mistake, if he didn't make her understand then his guilt would consume him from the inside out, god, why was it getting harder to breathe and why the Fuck were they still looking at him like that?!

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