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Mare Stable
Mare Barn
Welcome to the Mare Barn. This is where all the mares are boarded. Foals can be boarded here with their mothers untill they are weaned. Then they go to the foal barn. Post your horses name & breed & your name below.

*~*Aisle One*~*
Stall 1-Ambivalent~ Welsh Pony~&Spectrums Abstract~Paint Filly~ P. Sarah
Stall 2-Hottie~Palomino~P. Sarah
Stall 3-Goffic~Arabian~P. Sarah
Stall 4-Chiral~Swedish Warmblood~Renee
Stall 5-Rhapsody of the Seas~Lipizzaner~Ali
Stall 6-Deep Mystery~TB~Jacob
Stall 7-Banat er Rih~Lipizzaner~Ali
Stall 8-Blood Juliet~Lipizzaner~Ali
Stall 9-Eternal Serenity~Paint~P. sarah
Stall 10-Hiding Truth~TB~Ali

*~*Aisle Two*~*
Stall 1-Local Road~TB~Ali
Stall 2-
Stall 3-
Stall 4-
Stall 5-
Stall 6-
Stall 7-
Stall 8-
Stall 9-
Stall 10-

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Subject Author Date
Spore.Crackfix RELOADEDimogbal01:31:05 01/23/14 Thu
~*the filly lays in her stall weakly*~ (NT)Spectrum's Abstract14:35:22 06/13/02 Thu
*the young woman enters with a handful of treats. *Renee12:50:53 05/22/02 Wed
*she looks over her stall door curiously. and very bored* (NT)Spectrum's Abstract16:23:07 04/14/02 Sun
This really sux...... I QUIT~! (NT)Nikki (Eternal Serenity)14:38:36 04/13/02 Sat
[ooc:]Ali13:25:48 04/12/02 Fri
*Leads in a young filly*P. Sarah10:57:59 03/23/02 Sat
**<img src="http://www.silverwoodfarm.com/hofconlf2.jpg">Aurora Wind15:19:10 04/03/02 Wed
**Flustered**Eternal Serenity18:32:22 04/05/02 Fri
(OOC: P. Sarah I thought you were bringing me here?) (NT)Eternal Serenity21:46:43 03/29/02 Fri
  • (yep))*Slow* -- P. Sarah, 00:12:00 03/30/02 Sat
    • **watches** -- Eternal Serenity, 11:51:57 03/30/02 Sat
      • *Moves* -- Sarah, 13:29:24 03/30/02 Sat
        • arises -- Eternal Serenity, 10:30:34 03/31/02 Sun
          • *Smiles* -- Sarah, 18:27:50 03/31/02 Sun
            • recovering -- Eternal Serenity, 17:56:36 04/02/02 Tue
...walks by Local Road and Hiding Truth...Ali07:24:43 03/31/02 Sun
...leads in Frost Bite and Sandstorm...Ali08:14:53 03/31/02 Sun
leads Hiding Truth and Local Road inAli15:37:15 03/29/02 Fri
My player will be away from Monday 1st April to Friday 5th April (NT)Deep Mystery (Misty)18:29:52 03/29/02 Fri
*Pokes her head out of the stall, wondering where Jacob is. She stamps an impatient hoof* (NT)Deep Mystery (Misty)21:54:45 03/19/02 Tue
Lipizzaner mare whinniesRhapsody of the Sea05:20:21 03/24/02 Sun
  • *Friendly* -- Ambivalent, 15:09:58 03/24/02 Sun
    • whicker -- Rhapsody, 17:10:09 03/24/02 Sun
May i have a stall for Banat er Rih and Blood Juliet?Ali14:53:59 03/24/02 Sun
*Prances in, looking at her surroundings. Slows and waits patiently for Jacob* (NT)Deep Mystery (Misty)00:53:08 03/14/02 Thu
<font color=red>Walks in and puts Rhapsody of the Seas in a stall*Ali08:15:22 03/16/02 Sat
*the chestnut mare pokes her head out and bobs her head up and down>Chiral13:42:09 03/18/02 Mon
*brings Silver Water in*Ali14:35:42 03/17/02 Sun
*leads Rhapsody of the Seas while looking around for Keno*Ali17:26:57 03/15/02 Fri
~enters~Keno12:11:44 02/22/02 Fri
  • *Whickers* -- Ambivalent, 14:40:15 02/22/02 Fri
    • ~watch~ -- Keno, 05:58:50 02/23/02 Sat
*Leads in Goffic*P. Sarah15:03:43 02/21/02 Thu
*She leads in Hottie & Revenge*P. Sarah15:13:04 02/07/02 Thu
*the standardbred mare whinnies*Raindrop15:30:20 01/14/02 Mon
*She leads in the Welsh Mountain Pony Mare*P. Sarah19:59:05 12/23/01 Sun

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