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Subject: **Flustered**

Eternal Serenity
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Date Posted: 18:32:22 04/05/02 Fri

Mahogany splashed brood becomes restless. Memories of rancid stall floors and no fresh air to save sensitive nasals from smell of own wastes. Now, close to becoming fully recovered strength hath returned and all shall be aware of it. Terror again sparks in the eyes. Squeals and thuds against the walls of the stall containing this 'crazy' mare can be heard from throughout the barn. Dial tosses and rear titaniums find spot against wooded wall. Front limbs arise from the floor all, the while horrid squeals and angry screams are produced from the vocals of splashed fatale. If one was not turned lose or calmed these walls and her life could suffer. The thoughts still rage in her mind and the image of the horrid man still remain etched deep within. The actions of this one meer man could cause suffering and anguish to others not to mention the one the actions were acted upon. Would these thoughts drive this replenished animal to injury? Or possibly even death? The future still lies ahead.

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