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Date Posted: 09:14:54 01/09/02 Wed
Author: Yima & Tyr, Pan :|: Kree
Subject: >~<
In reply to: Moishe 's message, "He nodded as well. "Dragonrider is a worthy profession, but you don't have to make up your mind instantly." Cocking a surprised eyebrow at Pan, he moves his hand cautiously towards the flit. . ." on 22:20:45 01/08/02 Tue

Making a quick decision, Pan hops forwards and rubs his head against Moishe's hand. Yima laughs. "He likes you. You're lucky; he doesn't like many people."

A young green firelizard appears from between. Trilling triumphantly, she lands on Yima's shoulder and extends her foreleg, which has a message tied to it.

Tyr and Pan squawk indignantly at the strange 'lizard using bondmate's shoulder! Yima soothes them with a thought, then uses her free arm to awkwardly untie the message from the green's leg.

The message is written in her brother's clear, unmistakable handwriting.
Dear Yima,
I hope this message gets to you quickly. Kree is young and inexperienced, but I thought this might be good practice for her. Vey has found a gold clutch on the Beach, and Massath insists we go ask for eggs. She also insists that we bring you along. Do you want to come? Meet us on the Beach. Send Kree back; if you re-tie the message to her leg, I'll know you aren't coming. If you leave it off, I'll assume you are.
Love, R'ven

Yima smiles and sighs. Tucking the message into her pocket, she pokes Kree gently. "Good Kree," she assures the 'lizard. "Go back to R'ven now. Go back to R'ven and Massath."

The green chirps happily and takes off between.

Yima turns back to Moishe and smiles. "That note was from my brother. He wants me to meet him on the Beach and go with him to ask for some eggs from a gold clutch." She grins suddenly. "More specifically, his dragon wants me to come, and I'm certainly not ignoring a summon from Massath!" She chuckles. "It was wonderful meeting you, Smith Moishe, but I need to go meet my brother. Besides," she adds, looking around, "I think the Gather's over." Gently transferring her protesting firelizards back to her shoulders, she smiles again, then turns and dashes away.

((And the Gather is over.... The Igen Lord announced it on the "Outside the Hold" Board.))

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