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Subject: {Looked up for a sign of help}

Silver Whim
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Date Posted: 15:54:06 01/26/03 Sun
Author Host/IP: cache-rk03.proxy.aol.com/
In reply to: ·::· 's message, "::Innocent..To..The..Hatred..Of..The..World::" on 16:21:38 01/25/03 Sat

{She had hoped to see her adoptive mother coming home. She missed her alot. This female had gone to live in Russia at another kingdom where she would be safe from te BMs that had tried to kill her the year before. Kosses had worried for her and the other 12 pup's lives and sent them to a allied kingdom. Whim was thankful, of course, but she had returned to visit with the wolf she looked up too, Kosses. And now that wasn't possible. For the night she had arraived she had bumped into Kosses in the hall as she was leaveing. 'I must go, darling. Please....stay in and watch Camelot. I must have time to think.' With that and a lick on the cheek her mother departed into the darkness of the woods. Only later had the yearling learned what was wrong. Alairic had died, her mother's love. She had looked forward to meeting the male that Poe had told her about.}

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