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Subject: wakes from his nap

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Date Posted: 14:09:08 03/12/03 Wed
Author Host/IP: cache-mtc-ah04.proxy.aol.com/
In reply to: Silver Whim 's message, "{Whimsy}" on 12:37:38 03/12/03 Wed

He wakes with a start from his nap. He stretches, refreshed. His tail wags happily, his ears perked. His feet are a bit sore, but they would be for a while.

-| How can I ever thank you for all your help? You have been such a wonderful friend, I have no idea how to thank you for this! |-

A grin graces his face, the scars on his right shoulder faded into his fur. He stands stronger than he has all the time she's seen him. His back and neck are arched, making him look proud, strong, and nobel...a bit. The brown of exsaustion has almost faded from his bright emerald green orbs. They study her with a new light, a facination at this beauty who has helped him through this hard time. He bowed to her, placing his muzzle onto the dirt.

-| I am eternally in your debt. If there is ever a thing you need from me, or my sister, I am more than ecstatic to help. |-

His bright emerald orbs peer up at her from the blackness of his fur, like two green lights held in the midst of the artic night, lights shinning in them like the aurora borealis. He had not had the strength before for the light to shine through his eyes, but now that she has helped, his 'inner beauty' as his sister called it, shone through his green depths.

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{Forever Welcome}Silver Whim14:29:07 03/12/03 Wed

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