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Subject: : True of Heart : Free of Spirit :

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Date Posted: 15:05:58 03/12/03 Wed
Author Host/IP: pppoe0787.ld.centurytel.net/
In reply to: Silver Whim 's message, "{Whimsy}" on 13:01:00 03/12/03 Wed

((OOC: oki, it might be a couple of days so i can find some, but I will get them to ya.))

The young male chuckled lightly, giving a glance to the falling sky, the eastern border already a blanket of night, concealing the Earth from the sun. The western horizon, a myriad of colors, from deep blues and purples, to soft yellow, and rosy pink. As the bottom of the sun hit the horizon, red streaks shot out from the ground, defying the color scheme of the sky, yet matching as well as ever.

Emeralds gaze at the young fem beside him, a side-smile given to her, a flash of teeth, before he looks again to the castle, and speaks

"Thanks, for being my friend..."

He ponders a second, before glancing side-ways at her, trying to make idle conversation.

"So how long have you lived in Camelot?"

He gives a curious look to her, ears perked upright, tail gently swinging behind him in easy rhythem with his walk.


I am a wanderer
True of heart
Free of spirit

I reside where the wind takes me
Open plains, depthful seas
Rocky mountains, deep ravines

This glory has lasted too long
This happiness is ending
I have wandered too far

My soul needs a home
It has been lost too long

My body needs a rest
It has been beaten too far

My heart needs love
It's been alone too long

Too far
Too long
Too far
Too long

Pity me not
Take me in
Don't regret

Take a chance
Listen to your heart
Open your mind

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{Whimsy little dream}Silver Whim09:40:28 03/14/03 Fri

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