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Subject: . alert .

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Date Posted: 19:53:33 04/05/03 Sat
Author Host/IP: cache-mtc-ah04.proxy.aol.com/

.image.shaggy, black and red hued.
.orbs.one icy blue.one of sea green.

.young wolf pads up a slight incline to rest upon the rise . staring at a castle of sorts, his orbs shine of great wonders . his imagination begins to race almost as quickly as his heart . finally, was he home, perhaps? . allowing his pink tongue to roll out of his open jaws, a howl of great shallow depths reigns throughout the lands from which he stands upon . notice me, take notice . his orbs of pale blue and mysterious green peer throughout the forsaken horizon, as his howl rings out again . sitting upon his haunches, his tail remains completely motionless as his ears rise and fall according to the sounds . he smells nothing but nature, no wolves around . shaking his fur from the collecting moisture, the brute remained motionless except for his alert ears and wandering eyes . was it home, or was it not .

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