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Subject: awaken the flame

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Date Posted: 08:07:18 10/26/02 Sat
Author Host/IP: ip68-9-234-189.ri.ri.cox.net/

orbs look about her wary of the wolves that roam. feeling a bit akward she resides stationary. now was the hard part. too meet people. she had heard the odd name spoken in her travels towards the jousting. wondering if she could joust. or is that only for wolves? I don't know if I'd do ver good. training me had never been first on anyone's list back home. maybe she could seek a trainer here? who knows. the time has come to do what is the hardest for her, meet others, never was good at it. there is always time to learn though.

maybe I should have stayed on the road. the road was one thing; one could forget their station in life there. perhaps here I could go on with my real life, but then I wouldn't learn and I would be worthless of the meadow. well you never know untill you try. I'll play the cards I have here on the table and go on as life comes. life goes on, and I have to be strong.

whinny escapes her, rattling chords of bay maiden. awating reply with held breath. her coat gleams copper in the sunlight, ebony locks cascade down muscular neck that seamlessly meets chest and low withers. turning into a short back and long flowing tassles.


it only takes a spark...

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Subject Author Date
-*Female wolf nears slowly*-Kosses08:27:52 10/26/02 Sat
statsphe08:27:56 10/26/02 Sat

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