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Date Posted: 04:43:59 03/20/05 Sun
In reply to: IAN YOUNGMAN 's message, "DANCER NEEDED TO TEACH" on 04:41:00 03/20/05 Sun

>Is there anybody out there who can help? A group of
>talented young Irish Dancers are desperately looking
>for a new teacher. Their previous one closed their
>class at one week's notice.
>Norfolk Irish Dancers undertake a range of classical
>soft shoe and heavy shoe dances. Despite not having a
>permanent teacher, they have managed to pull together
>some display routines and have recently perfomed to
>rapturous applause at the InterVarsity Folk Festival,
>UEA. Norwich Festival of European & Celtic Music &
>Dance and the Irish Society of East Anglia annual St
>Patrick's Day Dinner.
>There are NO registered teachers in Norfolk or
>Suffolk; emails to 80 dance schools and the governing
>bodies produced not a single response
>The Irish Society of East Anglia and parents have
>arranged displays, practices, premises etc etc
> ALL we need now is an experienced dancer who can
>teach ;they do not have to be egistered teachers and
>will have to do no administration
>. We feel very strongly about wanting this to continue
>and are fortunate that we have found a temporary
>teacher. who is off to university.
> We need to find someone local to help teach the
>children. I
>So is there an Irish Dancer out there willing to help
>? Norfolk Irish Dancers would love to hear from them.

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Subject Author Date
Re: DANCER NEEDED TO TEACHHelen Tims19:17:37 02/06/13 Wed

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