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Date Posted: 01:10:36 01/24/03 Fri
Author: Gabi
Author Host/IP: NoHost /
Subject: ahh the joys of summer. why not check out some new sites? you never know what you might fall in love with in the bitterness of the winter. anyway, i personally think that the computer has a limited amount of fun(though I spend a lot of time on it, yes...), but...hope the bc gets more fun for you. :)
In reply to: 's message, "just a thought lol" on 00:19:24 01/24/03 Fri

>hey guys lol
>i dunno i was just thinking and omg i just keep
>remembering how much more FUN and
>exciting the BC was aroud july when i first
>came in! well that wasnt the old BC, but it was a
>while ago. although i have heard wonderful stories
>about the old BC from my friends. now...well..i dont
>mean this in a bad way but the BC is kinda
>i mean i could name 20 great sites that i LOVED around
>the time when i came into the bc (july 2002) and now
>they are gone! :'(
>there used to be soooooooooooooo many sites to go to
>and so many pageants and stuff to enter
>now its kinda boring
>there are very few sites i go to and there very few
>pageants to enter :(
>i liked the BC back then, it was so much better and
>sooooooooooo much funner!
>well i'm not leaving or anything, just saying how much
>i wish i could go back in time and see the old BC :'(
>it was probably a million times funner
>i seriously think the BC might be falling apart, i
>mean people are getting older and leaving (i
>completely understand) but then we need new people!
>i'm not trying to start a fight, of course not, but
>please reply with your thoughts on this topic

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[> I don't believe in fun :) so it does not matter to me -- squirrel, 01:41:31 01/24/03 Fri (NoHost/

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