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Date Posted: 00:53:36 01/25/03 Sat
Author: hope
Author Host/IP: adsl-35-10-33.bct.bellsouth.net /
Subject: xtra special adoption!!!
here is an EXTRA special adoption! jamie! everything on ur form affects getting her... it has 2 b GREAT! this girl is beyond special, and wont go to just anyone. she is def. someone's forever baby!!! and i hate letting her go, but im downsizing

jamie is a sweet mellow happy go lucky posing li'l girl. she loves every baby i've introduced her to and u cant deny shes downright a cutie!! this girl would fit in any home she's in... not to mention steal the heart of her new mamma!
no of babyz?
could i be her godmommy?
*i'd like 4 jamie to remain her name... at least a middle name?*
*i might decide to keep her in a folder if i dont think ne of the forms r good enuff, or if i just change my mind... this is kinda a gamble for u guys, but trust me she's worth it!!!*
*sorry its kinda strict, she is truly a special girl!!!!*
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OMG INSIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -- Christy, 01:11:41 01/25/03 Sat (HSE-Toronto-ppp169674.sympatico.ca/
name? Christy
>email? greenster2001@hotmail.com
>url? in process of making a site
>no of babyz? 4
>why? OMG OMG! She is the cutest!!! when u first got her i really wanted her and i loved her!!!i wouldnt give u any name ideas cause i wanted her toooooooooooo bad!!!!!!!!!!!! i no im selfish but u have no idea how much i need her! she will have 3 brothers Tyler, Elijah, and Marco and 1 sister Kyrie.
She is my dream baby and i would do anything for her! from loving her and caring for her to anything her little heart desieres!
I would have her middle name be Jamie and her first name...... as Rachel or Jenny.
it would mean alot to me if u let me adopt her. so please please please please let me adopt her!!!
>could i be her godmommy? that not even a question yes!!
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Inside for Jamie --
, 01:13:12 01/25/03 Sat (cache-rl07.proxy.aol.com/
>email? Smartprettyangel@aol.com
>url? Sorry I dont have a site yet.
>no of babyz? 2! Her name is Nicole and Lani
>why? Every time I passed Jamie's pictures I Could't stop lookien at them. There so adorable. At first I wasnt gonna apply because when ever I apply for baby I never get her and it make me kinda Sad. :( But looken at Jamie I have to give her shot. She looks like a angel. And I would love the chance to give her a home. I've alwayz wanted a little girl with short piggies to add to my family. I love her cute little green eyez. She will get lots of love and attention. Jamie would me comming to a loving home free from abuse and sadness. She will alwayz be a happy little girl. She will alwayz be treated like a little angel. When she sad I will do everything I can to put a little smile on her face. When shes sick I will help her get all better. I would never think about abuseing or neglecting her. I really do love Jamie. Please consider me for her new mommy. It would mean so much to me! Also if I was to change her name it would be to Jayne and I would keep Jamie her middle name.
>could i be her godmommy?
Of Course!!
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INSIDE INSIDE INSIDE!!!!!! -- Blair, 01:14:12 01/25/03 Sat (ip68-14-27-46.ri.ri.cox.net/
name? Blair
email? BlairMB@hotmail.com
url? Don't have one but you can visit my sis at Bedazzled!
no of babyz? 11 cuties with lots of love!
why? When I first saw that you had gotten Jamie...well...I WAS SO JEALOUS! lol! I wanted her so badly not only because she was drop dead cute and unique but because I got a feeling for her. I can't explain it really, but you must feel it too sometimes, ya? I wanted her so badly but I didn't want to be a big copy cat. But then, when I refreshed the forum...there she was. I was so blown back! I knew that I HAD to apply! I would enter her in pageants that I think she will do well in, and if I ever get a site I will make sure to tell that I adopted her from you! Now, I know I may seem that I have a LOT of babyz but I love them all the same! They get SO much love I think one day they will drown in it! lol! I treat them when they are sick and I never abuse or neglect. I would be the happiest person in the world if I was able to be her mummy and if you chose me, you could see her anytime you would like! I know that you are going to get a lot of excellent forms that are WAY WAY better then mine, so I hope that where ever she goes, she is happy. But, I hope that her home is with me. Thank you for reading this! I tried not to make it boringly long so sorry if I did!
could i be her godmommy? SURE!
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>OMG! Bah! Inside, inside!< -- Shan, 01:30:53 01/25/03 Sat (ip68-0-230-207.ri.ri.cox.net/
Name? Shannon
Email? TrinityEB@hotmail.com
Url? http://bedazzledbabyz.cjb.net/ (might be changing soon, because I'm getting hosted, but I will send you the new URL once it's changed)
No of babyz? 1 I downsized and as of now only have one angel, my darling Skylar! ^_^
Why? OMG! Ever since I first saw her (that would be when you first hexed her and put her picture on the boards) I have been completely smitten with this angel! When I saw that you had put her up for adoption.. I freaked out! ^^; I lost my head for a few minutes and then thought hard about whether I wanted Skylar to have a sibling. I decided I would only adopt another angel if I was SURE I would love her. I'm SURE. ^^; Her darling little face, her beautiful green eyes.. that adorable and original hair file! I mean.. What is there NOT to love? But then I thought harder. It's not about looks. It's about the baby.. I thought: could I truly love this child as much as Sky? Could I give her the home she truly deserved. Once again.. I answered yes. Why? Well, I could just picture her.. sitting in my game next to my darling little Sky.. giggling, playing, dancing... and I knew she could make my family feel so much more complete! My heart is full of love to give and I know she needs a loving home. I can picture her taking her first steps and how proud I would be... her winning pageants and me running to my Mom overfilled with joy telling her she won (I've done this before! I don't care I'm 16! I get excited real easy! Lol! ^_^) My heart goes out to her, and I know that in my heart there may never be another younger sister for my Skylar. I know Skylar gets along well with other girls (so far all that she has met she's liked.. *crosses fingers and knocks on wood*) and that she is a wonderful older sister, always giggling and playing so sweetly with her siblings. If it doesn't work out between Sky and Jamie or if for ANY reason I ever have to give her up you would be contacted immediately before I would take a course of action, and I would give her back to you if I felt I was no longer providing the best home she deserves. I look at her darling pictures and I see a sweet little baby girl who just wants to be cuddled, loved, taken care of, fed, and homed. I would love to take her around my house, introduce her to the backyard bunny rabbit, let her see snowflakes fall, have her stuffed to her hearts content with the healthiest of her favorite foods along with a nice warm bottle of milk and a animal cracker or cookie when she is done, let her sit in front of the fire dancing to her favorite beat, let her play toys, let her be with her sister as much as they like.., and just to watch a true angel sleep while the heavens sing for her. It would be wonderful to just give this girl a home.. whether she wins pageants, or eats all day, or only wants to dance! Just considering that mear thought is putting a grin on my face and happiness in my heart. I would keep her name if that would make you happy, because it would make me happy to.. it is such a cute name! *looks up at the fourm* I think I rambled.. but I spoke as directly from the heart as I possibly can. I would love to have her in my home, by the fire, with her sibling Sky... Thank you for the oppertunity to apply. I know you will do what you feel is best for little Jamie and I will not bother you about what you choose. Good luck on going through all the fourms, I'm sure she'll get many. Thanks again! *hugs*
Could i be her godmommy? Of course you could.. I would have asked you anyway! ^^; I'm like that... *grins*
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inside -- Christy's best friend Shelly, 01:32:59 01/25/03 Sat (HSE-Toronto-ppp169674.sympatico.ca/
name? Shelly
>email? shelly_269@hotmail.com
>url? in process of making 1 with Christy
>no of babyz? 2
>why? I want her because she is the most adorable baby I ever saw. I would also like her because I only have 2 babyz and I would like another one to complete the family.I also think she sounds really nice from what you wrote. I promise to take very, very, very good care of her and to love her forever. Even if I don't get her I will still think she is the most adorable baby ever.
>could i be her godmommy? yes
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inside -- Christy's best friend Shelly, 01:33:29 01/25/03 Sat (HSE-Toronto-ppp169674.sympatico.ca/
name? Shelly
>email? shelly_269@hotmail.com
>url? in process of making 1 with Christy
>no of babyz? 2
>why? I want her because she is the most adorable baby I ever saw. I would also like her because I only have 2 babyz and I would like another one to complete the family.I also think she sounds really nice from what you wrote. I promise to take very, very, very good care of her and to love her forever. Even if I don't get her I will still think she is the most adorable baby ever.
>could i be her godmommy? yes
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Eep! She is soo adorable, Hope! I would apply, but I don't think u'd give her to me. *sighs* Anyways, good luck Mommies!! -- bekah, 13:15:03 01/25/03 Sat (NoHost/
>here is an EXTRA special adoption! jamie! everything
>on ur form affects getting her... it has 2 b GREAT!
>this girl is beyond special, and wont go to just
>anyone. she is def. someone's forever baby!!! and i
>hate letting her go, but im downsizing
>jamie is a sweet mellow happy go lucky posing li'l
>girl. she loves every baby i've introduced her to and
>u cant deny shes downright a cutie!! this girl would
>fit in any home she's in... not to mention steal the
>heart of her new mamma!
>no of babyz?
>could i be her godmommy?
>*i'd like 4 jamie to remain her name... at least a
>middle name?*
>*i might decide to keep her in a folder if i dont
>think ne of the forms r good enuff, or if i just
>change my mind... this is kinda a gamble for u guys,
>but trust me she's worth it!!!*
>*sorry its kinda strict, she is truly a special
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Hoperz?! Hey hey umm memer when ya got Jaime? Ya said I could be her godmummy so um I was kinda wondering do I still need to fill out a appy o and since you are getting rid of her do you want Willie? -- Abo, 13:38:33 01/25/03 Sat (
>here is an EXTRA special adoption! jamie! everything
>on ur form affects getting her... it has 2 b GREAT!
>this girl is beyond special, and wont go to just
>anyone. she is def. someone's forever baby!!! and i
>hate letting her go, but im downsizing
>jamie is a sweet mellow happy go lucky posing li'l
>girl. she loves every baby i've introduced her to and
>u cant deny shes downright a cutie!! this girl would
>fit in any home she's in... not to mention steal the
>heart of her new mamma!
>no of babyz?
>could i be her godmommy?
>*i'd like 4 jamie to remain her name... at least a
>middle name?*
>*i might decide to keep her in a folder if i dont
>think ne of the forms r good enuff, or if i just
>change my mind... this is kinda a gamble for u guys,
>but trust me she's worth it!!!*
>*sorry its kinda strict, she is truly a special
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hey abbo ya i was just thinking about that! if u want her, she's yours! ;O) -- hope, 14:07:09 01/25/03 Sat (adsl-35-10-33.bct.bellsouth.net/
>here is an EXTRA special adoption! jamie! everything
>on ur form affects getting her... it has 2 b GREAT!
>this girl is beyond special, and wont go to just
>anyone. she is def. someone's forever baby!!! and i
>hate letting her go, but im downsizing
>jamie is a sweet mellow happy go lucky posing li'l
>girl. she loves every baby i've introduced her to and
>u cant deny shes downright a cutie!! this girl would
>fit in any home she's in... not to mention steal the
>heart of her new mamma!
>no of babyz?
>could i be her godmommy?
>*i'd like 4 jamie to remain her name... at least a
>middle name?*
>*i might decide to keep her in a folder if i dont
>think ne of the forms r good enuff, or if i just
>change my mind... this is kinda a gamble for u guys,
>but trust me she's worth it!!!*
>*sorry its kinda strict, she is truly a special
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