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Date Posted: 16:41:40 01/25/03 Sat
Author: Star
Author Host/IP: cache-cro-hsi.cableinet.co.uk /
Subject: Dilemma!..or however you spell it!

Okay..well I have a kind of problem and I need advice! At the moment, I have one baby. Her name is Kassidy Jordan, I adopted her on the 22nd January and I'm almost positive she's my forever baby. I love her to pieces, even when she does something naughty, I can't help but totally <3 her! Well, Kassie has met other babyz and she always loves them! I am seriously considering applying for another girl, but I don't know if I should or not! I mean - what if she's not as special as Kassie, and she gets pushed out? Or worse, what if Kassie gets pushed out? I couldn't bear for that to happen, because Kass is so special! I think she'd love a playmate and a sister, but I'm not sure about it! At the moment, it's just Kassie and me. She's totally spoiled and I always find the time to enter her into pageants! What if I don't have time to enter another baby into pageants and such? Ugh, it's so confusing! I am sure I'd love this new baby just as much as I love Kass, because I can't stop thinking about how sad I'd be if someone else adopted her! Kat of EP and I were discussing this earlier, but we didn't really come to any conclusion or solve my problem! I'd reallyappreciate any advice! Thanks so much =)
Also this is just a note to the person who owns the baby I may apply for - if I do apply, it will because I am really and totally 100% sure about it..so if/when I apply, please don't be put off. If I apply, it'll be because I'm sure!
<3 Star and Kassie

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[> you could always adopt a baby and see how she fits in for acouple weeks then if you dont' like the way it is you can send her back to the adoption center... inside... -- , 16:53:15 01/25/03 Sat (cs6668162-222.austin.rr.com/

> >size="1">Hey-
I have kinda that same problem... I have 6 babyz and I want to only have like 2 or 3 but I just can't bear to get rid of them! It would make me so sad to never see them again. For your problem I would just keep your eyes open for a baby you really like then adopt her if you think she is the one. Then tell the adoption center that you are going to see if she fits into your family before you make a "final" decision. Then keep her for a couple weeks see how ya like her and if you don't there will be plenty of other mum that will adopt her. I do have to say that with 6 babyz they don't always get to be played with every day. so too many i think makes the amount of attention they get smaller but there is always enough to go around. i wouldn't go trying to find a baby that you want just keep your eyes open and when it the one you'll know! you will definatly be able to tell if that baby is the one or not. good luck! ttyl bye
feel free to email me if ya like! lyl bye
-Maddie of Madmoodster's Babyz
srry to lazy to put a link in! lol

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[> [> Re: you could always adopt a baby and see how she fits in for acouple weeks then if you dont' like the way it is you can send her back to the adoption center... inside... -- becky, 23:11:17 09/09/03 Tue (64-250-203-41.du.kgfs.pldi.net/

me and my husband are looking to have a baby and i can't concieve and my heart longs for a baby to love and cherish and raise as my own.can you help?

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[> [> Re: you could always adopt a baby and see how she fits in for acouple weeks then if you dont' like the way it is you can send her back to the adoption center... inside... -- valerie foster, 22:06:16 08/14/05 Sun (midd-cache-8.server.ntli.net/

>> >>size="1">Hey-
>I have kinda that same problem... I have 6 babyz and I
>want to only have like 2 or 3 but I just can't bear to
>get rid of them! It would make me so sad to never see
>them again. For your problem I would just keep your
>eyes open for a baby you really like then adopt her if
>you think she is the one. Then tell the adoption
>center that you are going to see if she fits into
>your family before you make a "final" decision. Then
>keep her for a couple weeks see how ya like her and if
>you don't there will be plenty of other mum that will
>adopt her. I do have to say that with 6 babyz they
>don't always get to be played with every day. so too
>many i think makes the amount of attention they get
>smaller but there is always enough to go around. i
>wouldn't go trying to find a baby that you want just
>keep your eyes open and when it the one you'll know!
>you will definatly be able to tell if that baby is the
>one or not. good luck! ttyl bye
> feel free to email me if ya like! lyl bye
>-Maddie of Madmoodster's Babyz
>srry to lazy to put a link in! lol

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[> >>inside<< it was too long. lol -- alyson, 16:58:18 01/25/03 Sat (cache-mtc-ac07.proxy.aol.com/

star, i totally see how you feel. but you can't just keep one baby forever. you'll get bored so much faster than if you had tow or three babyz. Also, just don't think "gee, i adopted this baby and kassi still gets all my attention, so if i adopt 5 or 6 babyz, kassie'll be fine." I say, adopt this one baby, but don't go overboard with it. just adopt that one baby for now, and if you want, and you think you're ready, adopt more later. Also remember that if you dod adopt this other baby, you should set some time aside *say 30 minutes a day or something* to play with each of them separatly without thinking "i wanna play with her now so i'll shorten my time with this baby just for today". but overall, i'd say you should adopt a new baby. Kassie'll get lonely soon if you don't, and it's always better when you'vev got 2 to love! hope i helped at all!

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[> Hi, it's really down to you. Kisha is so precious and if she is your forever baby then she won't get pushed out. Why don't you get another little girl and see how it goes. I'm sure Kassie would love a sibling! -- , 16:58:44 01/25/03 Sat (cache3-nrth.server.ntli.net/

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[> Re: I'M LIKE THAT TOO! -- Tifa, 19:57:39 03/09/03 Sun (webcacheB15a.cache.pol.co.uk/

I'm kinda the same. I have one baby called Carly who is really sweet and special to me.
She's not hexed or anything like that so i don't know why I fuss so much.
Sorry I dunno what to do about your prob :( sorry!

Tifa & Carly

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[> Re: Dilemma!..or however you spell it! -- Monica, 08:47:29 06/18/03 Wed (proxy3.infosat.co.za/

Hi I say maybe you should foster a little girl or boy that you like first and if they get along then adopt the baby you fostered.
There the problem is solved!

> >size="1">Okay..well I have a kind of problem and I
>need advice! At the moment, I have one baby. Her name
>is Kassidy Jordan, I adopted her on the 22nd January
>and I'm almost positive she's my forever baby. I love
>her to pieces, even when she does something naughty, I
>can't help but totally <3 her! Well, Kassie has met
>other babyz and she always loves them! I am seriously
>considering applying for another girl, but I don't
>know if I should or not! I mean - what if she's not as
>special as Kassie, and she gets pushed out? Or worse,
>what if Kassie gets pushed out? I couldn't bear for
>that to happen, because Kass is so special! I think
>she'd love a playmate and a sister, but I'm not sure
>about it! At the moment, it's just Kassie and me.
>She's totally spoiled and I always find the time to
>enter her into pageants! What if I don't have time to
>enter another baby into pageants and such? Ugh, it's
>so confusing! I am sure I'd love this new baby just as
>much as I love Kass, because I can't stop thinking
>about how sad I'd be if someone else adopted her! Kat
>of EP and I were discussing this earlier, but we
>didn't really come to any conclusion or solve my
>problem! I'd reallyappreciate any advice!
>Thanks so much =)
>Also this is just a note to the person who owns the
>baby I may apply for - if I do apply, it will because
>I am really and totally 100% sure about it..so if/when
>I apply, please don't be put off. If I apply, it'll be
>because I'm sure!
><3 Star and Kassie

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[> Positive Positve read me -- Cindy, 22:41:19 04/09/04 Fri (loudsl01.

> >size="1">okie now just dom what your heart tells you to and alwyas follow your heart im sure that Kass will love her new playmate and just think of all the positve things that will happen or could happen when you adopt that baby imsure you will make the right descsion and just have trust and faith that everything will turn out great!

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