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I finally got my resume all done up the way I want I just need to get it typed up and printed. I'll try to do that today, if the kiddies cooperate.
Hope all of you have a great Friday! (NT)
-- Lauda, 06:25:14 03/14/03 FriWe're having lunch now..then we're going to work on the letter "A" and the number "1". I've been printing off coloring pages for the older ones from the internet.. (NT)
-- Lauda, 11:38:19 03/13/03 ThuThe sun is shining, the birds are singing, and my most challenging little one has moved to South Carolina! It's gonna be a great day! LOL (Actually, I dearly love little Morgan..she just had the terrible twos for about 3 years! LOL) (NT)
-- Lauda, 07:43:37 03/07/03 FriMaggie is sick again today..this is about the 5th time since Christmas that a fever and sore throat has got her down. I don't see how she's keeping up with her school work, but she is. I'm calling the doc again this morning..I get so worried about her. She's eating good and getting her rest and taking vitamins, but every 3 weeks or so this bug hits her and she misses school. I'm sick of it! I know she is too! (NT)
-- Lauda, 07:26:44 03/06/03 ThuThere..did I tell you everything? LOL (NT)
-- Laida, 06:43:47 03/05/03 WedI still can't get into the boards2 go..they say no new sign ups now and the new board I signed up for won't work. On the help forum, they say they are working on the problem. So I'll have to stick with Voy for now. (NT)
-- Lauda, 13:30:51 03/02/03 SunConnor loves having his braces off..and his bottom retainer is just a thin bar behind his teeth that is cemented in, which is great! And he has a clear retainer that goes around his top teeth for wearing during the day..and a regular one for nighttime. (inside)
-- Lauda, 06:37:36 02/28/03 FriYesterday I went to Garden Ridge and picked up a few new throw rugs for the house..ours were looking kind of ratty. Everytime Rosie saw one, she had to bark at it! LOL (NT)
-- Lauda, 09:38:01 02/22/03 SatI noticed late last night that Barb had posted in one of my replies..and then I investigated further and saw I was a moderator. Cool! (NT)
-- Lauda, 06:25:22 02/20/03 ThuIt's so dreary here today..finally stopped raining, but it's still cloudy. Tomorrow is supposed to be nice, but then winter comes back. (NT)
-- Lauda, 12:13:13 02/19/03 WedNodle is going back to work today..he's feeling pretty good, just a little stiff. It's a bright sunny day..supposed to rain tomorrow. No snow though. (NT)
-- Lauda, 09:16:39 02/13/03 ThuBarb, we did get a couple more inches of snow Sunday night, but it's all gone now. And Nodle is doing great this morning..he's getting ready to go work out. (NT)
-- Lauda, 08:27:54 02/11/03 Tue