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Date Posted: 06:37:36 02/28/03 Fri
Author: Lauda
Subject: Hi Patti! Yes, I'm tired of the snow and ice..but surely spring is just around the corner!

Connor loves having his braces off..and his bottom retainer is just a thin bar behind his teeth that is cemented in, which is great! And he has a clear retainer that goes around his top teeth for wearing during the day..and a regular one for nighttime. (inside)
In reply to: Well got to get a move on..its almost 6am..and I need to pack a lunch yet 's message, "If you are anything like me You must be tired of all the snow and Ice..I'm sure glad it only lasted a few days here makes things such a mess with accidents etc..and falling isn't good either Well hows the Kids doing Laura I'm sure that Connor is glad to have the braces off..but then there's the retainer to think about LOL..Brittany's going to be on Fox for Sports on the 5th they won the Texas State Finals ...it was held in Dallas a couple of weeks ago..they sure did some Kicking Butts..it was taped by Fox so can't wait to see it.." on 05:46:34 02/28/03 Fri

So that makes it much easier to talk..the clear one doesn't change his speech at all. They sure make it easier these days.

YAY for Brittany! You'll have to let me know what time to watch for her..I'd love to see it! That is so awesome to win the state finals! WHOOHOOO!

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