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Date Posted: 05:48:39 03/07/03 Fri
Author: Patti..sure hope she's feeling better soon..see below
Subject: YES SIR....NEW TOOTH BRUSH..Right on there M's Pixie..I know I do open a new tooth brush every time I get a cold Kim and Michele do the same with their's..Germs hid everywhere, and by all means her phone she uses needs to be cleaned as well..the Weather change is not helping either but bed rest is needed lots of Juices plenty of fluids..and maybe next year you should get her a flu shot..she's old enough to get those..and will help..
In reply to: PIXIE 's message, " NEW TOOTH BRUSH!!!" on 11:20:31 03/06/03 Thu

Those Little tyke's spread a lot of germs they touch everything so you can never have 2 much lysol spray
on every thing I get those wipes and and go through the house wiping everthing once one of the Kids have been here sick or even myself..keeps the germs to a minimun
Just some things to think about..

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