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Date Posted: 02:12:41 06/28/04 Mon
Author: Dawn
Author Host/IP: CPE-203-51-161-202.vic.bigpond.net.au /
Subject: Testeh

S e e i n g I s B e l i e v i n g

The candlebarks and snowgums swayed in rhythm to the gentle zephyr, the sonance both hypnotic and captivating, they conversed to one another, mentioning briefly a delicate pearly tainted filly who wandered through them aimlessly, repeating the story of her past. They explained how her beloved stallion Byjaru had deserted her, and then about how she had joined Tiarri only to be left devastated once more when he had died. Since that fateful day, she had hidden herself away, and until now, had never been seen or heard from - at least, not by many, and those who had seen her were now long gone.

Stepping gingerly through the entanglement of the snowgum trees, the branches seemed to part as she made her way through, as if in an attempt to help her remain hidden. Placing one small, black hoof after the other Dawn continued on her journey until only a thin layer of snowgums stood between herself and the POL. Her disconsolate chasms swept over the brumbies, the many blacks, bay, greys and all the other colours that dotted the landscape. They all seemed so… How should she put it? Jovial, yes that was the word that she had been searching for. A cloak of sadness began to creep over her, as she thought of the times when she had roamed The High Country with Byjaru, Ginger, and the many others who had made up the realm which she had quite joyously called home. Thoughts twirled through her mind at a miraculous rate, as she invented scenarios involving Byjaru, imagining what life might have been life had he not decided to journey to a far away land.

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