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Date Posted: 20:13:08 06/23/04 Wed
Author: Jenna
Subject: Re: Herro?
In reply to: Rebecca 's message, "Re: Herro?" on 11:23:58 06/23/04 Wed

I GET no holidays. No, I'll take that back.

I took nine days in April to go to Nora'n'Claire Land, and I've booked off five days in July (hey, a Blue Rodeo reference! DUDE! lol...) for them to come here...

Speakin' of... have we looked into flights yet, dears? I kinda need to know sometime soon so I can convice Tina or Tia or Amelia to drive to the airport since I hate city driving so much... hahahaha...

Annnnyways... and the week before the Ladies Brown get here, I'm going to see Colin James (!!!!) and Blue Rodeo (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) at Bluesfest. Two different days of fun-ness. I'm quite excited. I wanted to see the 'Hip, too, but I have to work that night. Meh.

And before THAT is the Canada Day long weekend!! WOOO! I'm getting right liquored, you wait and see. :)

And I'm doing the NDP stuff now, which is beyond great... telephone campaigning is lots of work, but it's not all that bad. LOVE working the office, LOVE making appearances, LOVE debates (except when they turn into post-debates - see my livejournal for clairification... scary, sad shit. www.livejournal.com/users/canuckistani_j/ ).

So yeah. That's my life a ce moment. Working my arse off and getting all excited for July. That is all. I think. Oui.


PS - Nora and/or Claire, gimme a call soon, k? Or, I'll call yas tomorrow to check in at some point. :)

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