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Date Posted: 20:29:10 09/27/04 Mon
Author: Jenna
Subject: If anyone's still checking back here...

Just so everyone knows, in case I haven't gotten around to emailing or calling you or whatever, I've been accepted into the Katimavik program, a government-sponsored youth community service organization. I'll be on the road for nine months, starting in about a week or so. I'll be in three different provinces (which I don't know specifics about yet) with 10 other people 17-21 from all over Canada, doing stuff in the communities we're placed in. And the kicker? It's free. Housing, transportation, food, fucking shampoo, it's all covered. And you get three bucks a day pocket money and a grand at the end.

It's really focussed on healthy living (LOT of granola...), learning/improving your second language (since 1/3 of the people in your group are Francophones and one of your placements is in a French-speaking community, so either Quebec or New Brunswick or northern Manitoba, etc), culture (if I get placed in wine ccountry we'll have a wine-making budget!!), and financial planning (basically the government gives each group a big chunk of money and says, 'ok, now... live'. You have to budget everything, from your travel to your food to your entertainment).

So, I'll be in touch. Each house has internet access, so I should be able to check in here occasionally.

Talk to yas all soon-like.


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