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Subject: take a look

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Date Posted: 13:43:27 01/16/03 Thu

Hey guys I'm new to this place so . I came on here just to post a few questions about people's favourite punk and emo bands but I just got a message from a pal saying that one of my favourite underground bands have called it a day. The band were called Trash Heap Heroes, you can download all their stuff from their first album on www.mp3.com/trashheapheroes so basically I would like people to have a listen and tell me what u think, I personally think they rock, I first saw them supporting Midtown In December last year at Josephs Well, They threw some free stuff out and I got a CD and a shirt, whoo.

The last time I saw them was November at which point they had just been signed, which is why the sudden split has come as a shock - maybe it's somehting the label have planned for them maybe they'll comeback with a new image or somethin?? who knows

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