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Subject: Plan A

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Date Posted: 07:40:01 04/13/02 Sat
In reply to: Melody 's message, "questions?" on 22:07:50 04/12/02 Fri

I'm serious. You can get good enough to beat all the mediocre teams, and with some bad performance by the good teams, might beat them too.

Whacking the ball really hard actually helps in real play. When you stand right next to the net and hit the ball, might as well hit the ball hard, since the net is a non-factor. And I mean REALLLY beat the ball. Just make sure to get the ball in. Hopefully, as you scoot back, you can cream every ball that is in front of the service line (the line in the middle of the court) and hit the balls behind the service line with at least some speed.

This is really important in doubles, since you need to be able to hit volleys when you are playing at the net (volleys are when you hit the ball before it hits the ground once).

A forehand is when you hit it on your dominant side (right for me). I thought about defining a forehand in my first post, but I thought it might offend you if you knew what it meant. Note that when you are in the back of the court, you are hitting forehand groundstrokes, as opposed to volleys since the ball bounces first.

If you can hit balls in front of the service line really hard while the ball is actually hit toward you, consistently, you can beat saracasm/sara, maybe even brad/cole since they aren't tennis fanatics. 3rd place. Of course, winning the tourney would then depend on bad performances by the terrapins and manboobs.

Super-strength epoxy glue is sold at Walmart next to the paint section.

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on second thoughtsibo12:45:19 04/13/02 Sat

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