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Subject: this was soooooooo four months ago

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Date Posted: 16:44:42 04/19/02 Fri
In reply to: Melody 's message, "History assignment" on 14:41:05 04/19/02 Fri

if either Mike or Paul have any other comments on the subject (Sibo can also chime in- he is smart too)- "I would greatly aprreciate it."

Ok, so I'm mentioned last. That's ok. I'm mentioned in a different clause. That's ok. But I'm in a parentheses??? I hope I'm not that insignificant. But I admit Mike kicks my butt at writing DBQs.

But ideas: (note I will not cite evidence, since I am too lazy to look for it)

1) Would have taken many more lives to take Japan conventionally A)The Japanese were still committed to the war effort. Most didn't know that Japan was actually losing, and those who did still fought on for the honor of Japan and the emperor [insert evidence] B) kamikazis woulda seriously hurt US [insert evidence]

2) Japan used unethical practices in war too- invading Nanjing the Japanese massacred and raped the Chinese. I think it was Nanjing, but not sure. Also, this was true of not just China but other places...[insert evidence]

3) Not that the "Truman would have been impeached if he didn't use the bomb" approach is non-topical. You can try it in your history class though, I suppose, since you won't have debate nazi's tearing you apart.

As a side note, in all my school debates, everyone is so idealistic and votes for the "good guys"- like last year's mock court we ( the defense) almost lost the Korematsu case even though the judges were supposed to act like they would have back during WWII. The Workers gained more rights in a court case set in the Industrial Revolution. The Aff always won when limiting the use of WMDs.

wtf. You are brave saying that bombings are justified.

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nevermindsibo17:13:17 04/19/02 Fri

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