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Subject: Southern Indiana

Courtney Wright
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Date Posted: 12:30:18 10/17/02 Thu

As a high school teenager I know that my goal in life was to escape the fate of living in Evansville Indiana for the rest of my life. However after spending a few extra dismal months in Southern Indiana I realized something: as native "evansvillians" we are doomed to this fate.

If you are not knowledgeable about the fate I'm referring to let me explain by posting an excerpt from a poem I wrote called "Life in Southern Indian".

has become
your favorite adjective and
the worst thing that happened in 2001
in your mind
was that Chevy stopped making the camero.
You start to refer to USI as "the college"
You have dreams about that perfect horse shoe game
You hear someone refer to "de-bate" and you think of

This is when I hit you with your inescapable fate
Like A power slamma
You are forever trapped in SOUTHERN INDIANA"

for the full text go to www.hotteensluts.com

ANYWAY, here comes the argument: is that such a bad thing? I mean, I'm not sure there is an event in the world better than the Fall Festival. . .except maybe the vanderburg county four h fair. So I ask is it really that bad to be stuck here, waiting to turn out like the people you make fun of? I think not. In fact I’m looking forward to it. Step number one: I am purchasing a belt buckle to commemorate every major accomplishment in my life.

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moosibo16:24:24 10/17/02 Thu
PicturesMikeKnight10:43:00 11/06/02 Wed

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