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Subject: Quick Incomplete Thought: A Sentence Fragment?

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Date Posted: 17:30:49 10/17/02 Thu
In reply to: sibo 's message, "meritocracy" on 16:15:08 10/17/02 Thu

Wow, there are actually people posting in my forum again (the one question about what melody and harmony are doesn’t count).

I haven't put much effort into looking for books on meritocracy yet, but I will when I get back from bowling. Until then, you can use these thoughts:

I think you could make a good argument that Plato's envisioned republic was a meritocracy. I have a book that includes full text and analysis of the Republic if you want to borrow it when I come home this weekend.

Have you tried USI library yet? You can check books out from there, so long as you have a driver's license or state ID. For the two research papers I did in high school--I only did two research papers in high school...--I found USI libraries to be far superior to the Evansville public library system (no offense intended to the Au's).

While you're doing the above, I'll put more thought into the subject.

I'm now going to get beat in bowling by phi gamma delta members.

I apologize for the pun in my title.


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