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Subject: Re: North Korea

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Date Posted: 17:35:41 03/11/03 Tue
In reply to: mikeknight 's message, "North Korea" on 12:47:06 03/10/03 Mon

This was an exact question I received at districts. My response was yes: NK poses the greater threat, it has the will to go to war, and it has the capacity to fight (Iraq does not have the latter two).

I actually cited the missile tests.

Of course, as it was an extemp speech I had to stay on topic. Really, my frustration would stem more from the focus on Iraq than the ignoring of NK. The UN already has an inspections regime in Iraq (ensuring that no large scale militarization can take place), we are regularly bombing Iraqi military targets, and if Iraq were to do anything provocative, they'd get crushed. Why all the attention?

>Seen the discussion board has been used in a long
>time, I'm going to attempt starting a discussion:
>North Korea has been developing nuclear and missile
>technologies behind the back of US agreements
>promising the end of these programs. Today's Daily
>Yomiuri reports that North Korea test-fired a
>ground-to-ship missile Monday into a
>Pyongyang-declared maritime exclusion zone in the Sea
>of Japan, the second launch in the past two weeks, the
>government said. With all of the focus in the news
>media on Iraq, some feel this issue is undercovered.
>Is North Korea a larger threat to the US? What should
>the US do to deal with North Korea? Has the US created
>a double standard? Feel free to answer and rant.

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Subject Author Date
Re: North KoreaMelody Berry21:04:45 03/17/03 Mon

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