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Date Posted: 11:27:14 01/09/02 Wed
Author: multiple
Subject: supplementary worship service tomorrow
In reply to: rsqarchive 's message, "January 2001" on 10:32:30 01/09/02 Wed

Author: ChicagoX
Subject: supplementary worship service tomorrow

Last Sunday's numbers were not enough because Chicago coworkers were "lazy." So there's going to be a "supplementary" worship service this Thursday at 6:30pm at the Center. Come and hear someone read "Dr." Samuel Lee's message on the visit of the Magi, the same message that hasn't changed for several years. At the end of the message you'll get a nice lecture and rebuke based on Exodus 20:8-10. You can't have more fun on a Thursday night in Rogers Park.

Author: anonymous
Subject: Re: supplementary worship service tomorrow

Is it voluntary? What will happen if you don't attend?

Also, does anyone know what ever happened to Dwain Fairweather?

Author: ChicagoX
Subject: Re: supplementary worship service tomorrow

If you don't attend, Samuel Lee's numbers goal won't be reached. Don't you want to support him by helping him reach his numbers goal? Don't you want to devote your life to soothing his ego? You don't have to answer.

Author: Disciple
Subject: Re: supplementary worship service tomorrow

You don't have to go to supplementary, the point is to bring those that missed the service on Sunday. A lot of students probably went home for Christmas and the numbers are down so now we have to make them up..thus supplement the sunday service. What actually happens is few bring new attendants and the rest are all members.

Author: ChicagoX
Subject: Re: supplementary worship service tomorrow

"the numbers are down so now we have to make them up?" WHY do we have to make them up? A substantial number of students miss the Sunday Service every week. If the point is to help those who missed the Sunday Service, why don't we have the supplementary service every week? This isn't about helping people worship. It's about meeting Lee's numbers goal. It's about making Lee "victorious," because he's "never been defeated." Even Lee himself will tell you that.

Author: Disciple
Subject: Re: supplementary worship service tomorrow

There was a time when Lee had a supplementary service 3 times in one week. Because the number he wanted was not being "restored" I have a feeling it may happen again this new year. Lee thinks like a business man constantly, if the numbers are down then he finds the way bring it up. He feels its his duty, or he is discouraging other ministries. He pushes Chicago because he feels Chicago has to lead the way. To him all eyes are on Chicago, UBF. What he doesn't realize is that's true, but now they are really looking for changes from him.

Author: Marcos
Subject: Re: supplementary worship service tomorrow

If anyone goes to the supplementary worship service one of the 'one words' you will all get is that "sheep are dumb" or "dummies" because they are "ANIMALS." These derogatory descriptions where read directly from Ron Ward to us, which as lame as it sounds, ispired a few chuckles from the attending members. Talk about the high number of people that are truly idiots in UBF. They have been brained washed so well, they have been reduced to less than human. As a matter of fact, the true animals are actually Lee and all the people that obey him (and not God) absolutely. My, what a way to spread love. No? Personally I wasn't laughing because the only ANIMAL I see in UBF is Lee himself. His IQ is also so low that a butt- scratching chimp is smarter than he is. In fact, a door knob has a higher level of intelligence than our senile leader. Actually he reminds me of a pint-size wart infested fat toad. Ribbit, ribbit, ribbit. Special note to Samuel the Toad: Don't pick a fight of name calling with me or any
kind of fight because you will lose hands down. I guarantee it!

I'm fed up about his holier than thou attitude and his loftly thinking as if his rear-end doesn't smell or defficates. To all the growing sheep: please do open your eyes to his psychological abuse. You don't have to put up with it and in fact you should make it aware that you don't appreciate being called derogatory names.

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  • ambivalence toward abortion in UBF -- multiple, 11:28:54 01/09/02 Wed
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