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Date Posted: 11:33:13 01/09/02 Wed
Author: multiple
Subject: phone call from Ron Ward/lawsuit
In reply to: rsqarchive 's message, "January 2001" on 10:32:30 01/09/02 Wed

Author: Amy Young
Subject: phone call from Ron Ward/lawsuit

hnwp, a while back you asked if I or RSQUBF are being sued. Here's an answer along those lines: Today around 1:30, my husband, Jamie, received 2 calls at work from Ron Ward. Ron threatened a lawsuit against me if I don't come to the Center w/ a written apology- apologizing specifically for what I wrote regarding Lt.Sarah & Damon's adultery. I called him back (he was irritated that I called him back rather than Jamie returning his call. I explained to him his call should have been directed to me in the first place since I'm the 1 who wrote the letter, but this seemed only to further bother him for some reason. I wonder why?) & told him I most certainly will not be coming to the Center with an apology & that I have nothing to apologize to them for because what I wrote is true. I told him, in reality, Lt.Sarah should be apologizing to Hazel and that Samuel Lee should be apologizing to: Rebekah Yoon & all the other women he strongly pressured into having abortions, to Jackie Lee for lying & telling people she
became a Moonie, & for all the other lies he's told about Peter Chang, James Kim, Joseph Park...etc. By the way, when I asked Ron what he thinks about the abortions he said, "I never heard anything about any abortions." I couldn't believe this! The information is out there on various websites & I believe it was a part of the 15 points sent directly to Samuel Lee from Korea UBF (wasn't it? I'll have to go back & check) for his response. How can he say he never heard about any abortions? Is he just freely lying like Samuel Lee? I don't know; anyway, when I tried to bring up all Samuel Lee's corruption (i.e. ordering abortions & ordering beating of missionaries, bribery, mishandling of $/offerings, endless lies, etc...), Ron said, "Let's restrict this phone conversation to what you wrote about Lt.Sarah". He just tried to quickly brush aside all the evil things Samuel Lee has done. I told him I think he must know about Samuel Lee's corruption since he has spent so much time w/ him the past 15 years or so. I
told him that if he really loved Samuel Lee he would help him repent rather than let him keep going on his way to hell. Anyway, back to the adultery issue: Ron told me several times it's gonna cost me a lot of $ if this thing goes to court & that if possible he wanted to prevent that. He told me several times how very angry Samuel Lee is about what I wrote. I told Ron that if it goes to court that it's perfectly fine w/ me since I have nothing to fear since I did not lie (unlike some UBF people who will either have to perjurer themselves to further cover things up or perhaps they will be caught in their mountain of lies). I told him I would gladly take a lie detector test & that I would request that others including Lt.Sarah, Damon, Dr.Ben, & Sarah Barry take 1 too. He kept telling me how much a trial would cost me & that all my father's money wouldn't be enough; I think he was trying to scare me, but I told him I didn't care about the cost of a trial & that Samuel Lee's the 1 obsessed w/ $ (but I guess SL
wouldn't need to concern himself w/ the cost of a trial because he has the offering $ of all UBF members freely at his disposal!). I told Ron that perhaps a trial will be God's way of revealing the truth about some of UBF leadership's corruption. I told Ron I am not fearful of evil men & their threats & I gave him my address so he can send me any legal documents. A lot of what I spoke to Ron I said very strongly & w/ anger; please pray Jesus may fully heal me of anger & wounds & to have tears and prayers of compassion on lost souls like Samuel Lee.
During the past 2 months 2 or 3 people have written on these message boards saying that they know I wouldn't lie but that perhaps I was naively believing some lies that Hazel told me & that maybe she made all this stuff up. To these people, I just want to encourage you to go back & read my testimony a little more carefully & to pray & consider all the details a little more. Everything I wrote wasn't just based on what Hazel told me. I experienced many of
those conversations 1sthand. Damon personally confessed the adultery to me & to Hazel's mom, not to mention to Sarah Barry & Dr.Ben. Sorry to say, I believe Sarah Barry & Dr.Ben will lie about this rather than helping them to repent. Isn't that what a shepherd is supposed to do? help others come to Jesus & repent? Dr. Ben & Sarah Barry: are you going to lie under oath to cover up for an adulterous man & woman? How could you do this? How could you let them entangle you in their evil mess? If you do, you truly are "sacrificial"! I pray you may read Acts ch.5 & that the fear of God may come into your hearts rather than trying to justify to your consciencs that these are "holy lies" or trying to make excuses to Jesus that you are just "protecting the work of God".
To all of you out there, whether you are in UBF or not, please pray the truth may be revealed & the wounded may be healed.

Author: Marcos
Subject: Re: phone call from Ron Ward/lawsuit

Do not despair about their meaningless threats. We can also get them for racist remarks (which are clearly written on the weekly testimonies) among many things, as well as get them for psycological abuse. Ron Ward is just a yes man. Lee himself should have called you. Clearly he is a coward.. The effects this is causing is clearly evident...I'm pretty sure the numbers are down, the money is down. Like it was said, hit them where it hurts them the most: their pockets and their pride. Now for sure, I will not give them any offerings, nobody misuses God's money. These guys have no morals, they are liers, and thieves. The scummiest things to walk the earth.

UBF reformers and allies, keep the pressure. Keep going, don't stop now. We are at a very crucial point. For truth, jutice, and of course the glory of God!

Author: Anton
Subject: Idle threats

Amy, thank you for your openness to share your experiences, and for keeping your faith through all these circumstances. I know its not easy to put your name up and make all your personal experiences open for public speculation, but I trust that God will work for the good of those who love him on this matter. Sometimes I just want to forget all about my experiences in UBF and pretend it never happened, but I'm still involved not for my own gain, but in the hope that other college students won't become involved in this spiritually unhealthy environment. Maybe the same is true for you too.

I also know it is never easy to get a threat of going to court thrown at you, I've experienced that too, and its never pleasant no matter how unlikely it really is. I feel so sad for Pastor Ron Ward and his situation, and that Samuel Lee is pushing him to try to bully you. All I can say is that UBF really has no grounds for a lawsuit of any sort. This web site was already threatened with that a long time ago, and of
course nothing has come of it. If you look at the rest of the Internet there are hundreds of web sites which speak out against the Moonies or the ICOC, and say much similar things, but there is no way to shut them down. Thank God that in America we have these freedoms of speech, to share our personal experiences.

Anyway UBF taking anyone to court in a lawsuit would be a very poor idea for them in the long run. It would probably make the news bringing more public scrutiny to their sub-culture and that can never be good for them. Also imagine if ten or twenty people were to decide to file a joint complaint, for instance for emotional damages. This could realistically end up in a multi-million dollar lawsuit, and can Chicago UBF really handle that? I'm not saying that would be the best thing, in fact I wouldn't want it to happen, but it is very realistic.

To all those involved whether in or out of UBF, lets try to keep an open dialogue going here and maybe we can all come closer, and closer to
the truth. Although I have moved on in my life I still pray for people in and out of UBF, because after all we are all God's children, no matter which side of the fence we find ourselves on.

Amy, God bless and keep you!

Author: Anon
Subject: Re: phone call from Ron Ward/lawsuit

Amy, God has used you to do the impossible! Sam has finally responded to someone! I cannot believe it! He must really have sense of problem.

Only you can make such a decision to go through this difficult time. I applaud your courage to stand up for what you know is right before God. God bless you!

Also, I wonder if we can find you a sponsor for your legal fees? I will bet there are Christian groups who would be willing to help.

Also, what happened to your testimony and the testimony of the Calabrese's? I cannot get them anymore.

Author: watcher
Subject: Re: phone call from Ron Ward/lawsuit

Amy, I think the fact that you heard a confession from Damon himself was lost on a lot of people. Thanks for clearing that up. Another issue that I haven't heard addressed is that Jaimie and Damon were seen together and seemed to be on friendly terms. Someone even claimed to have seen them drinking together.

Author: Anon
Subject: Why go before unbelievers?

1 Corinthians 6 says, "But instead, one brother goes to law against another--and this in front of unbelievers! The very fact that you have lawsuits among you means you have been completely defeated already."

Why does Sam have to use UBF offering money to sue a poor young family? Why not bring this all before an impartial council of believers where the truth can be gotten at? Amy already said she would be willing to due this. Obviously Sam would rather bear his dirty laundry before unbelievers and lawyers and the press rather than his own followers.

Suing people like this is not Biblical and in his case I do not even believe it is wise since he cannot control a courtroom and a judge like his own missionaries. But perhaps if he has enough money.....

Author: A reformer Kim
Subject: Re: phone call from Ron Ward/lawsuit

Dear and brave Amy our sister,

"It will not take place, it will not happen." (Isaiah 7:7)
The Bible also tells us that if we resist the devil, he flees from us because God the Almighty and Jesus the Victorious stand behind us. There are thousands of Christians ready to support you by all possible means. There are many American christian leaders and korean Christian leaders are ready to make a public issue about Bogus Dr. samuel Lee, Ron the Spineless ward and their willing cronies and their many terrible deeds. BD samuel Lee and Ron the Spineless Ward, we aarn you: Do not hurt brave American young people who are truth seekers. there is limitation in patience. God is giving you the chance to repent. If you keep on doing evil things, you will be sternly dealt with. You guys already struck the ice berg. Amy, we will come to your defense in every way possible. If you want to set up a defense fund, let us know in this website.

Author: Listener
Subject: Re: phone call from Ron Ward/lawsuit


You have so much support out here you will not believe it! Even if we have to take up a collection we will do it, but don't let S.Lee's threats terror you. Someone I keep contact with is trying to locate Esther Lee, an Ex-UBFer Ron Ward had an affair with. I'm sure she would want to post her testimony.

We will keep you posted. In the meantime, don't give up, we are here for you.

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