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Date Posted: 17:09:37 01/09/02 Wed
Author: Nick Timlin
Subject: How to solve the problems
In reply to: rsqarchive 's message, "January 2001" on 10:32:30 01/09/02 Wed

Author: Nick Timlin
Subject: How to solve the problems

God, please use this message board to reveal Your Glory.

Dear friends,

God has been working through various people these days. I have been told that Ward Canfield has been reconciling with his wife Maria. The way this has come about reveals that God loves His children. Please be encouraged that God is not forgetting those who men forget about.

The following thoughts are not criticism of UBF. I am simply trying to describe how the UBF has not reached its potential.

Tonight I want to talk very simply about the subject of Sam comparing himself, and others comparing him, to the great people of faith in the Bible. And at the same time all other members are encouraged to realize how fall they far short of Bible characters. (To reiterate, this is a phenomena that no prominent Christian leader practices. I could not think of a Bible character who called himself another Bible character. Paul did not consider himself John the Baptist, e.g. Maybe you can think of some.) The
reasons for Sam comparing himself to Bible persons are not readily discernable. However, the effect permeates the UBF, and every person at many levels. I will describe the effect, and then give it a unique name that aptly describes it.

Here is the effect: By comparing himself to great heroes of the Bible, Sam is raising himself above the rest of the people in the UBF. He is making a special place, or level, for himself that no other member can attain. He created a hierarchy that he can direct humanly, spiritually, and emotionally.

I want to call this "The Elevator Effect". His position and each UBF member's position are in constant flux. One day you can be a hero for wearing a nice shirt and tie, the next day you can be a great sinner even though you stayed up all night to write your testimony with tears before God. Sam controls the levels by praise and criticism. He has people on an elevator travelling from basement to penthouse, but mostly in the basement.

Now, how does
this effect your spiritual life? In simple terms, 'my spiritual life is my personal relationship with Jesus Christ.' This is our relationship with God. There is one mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus. I know all of you truly believe this with all your faith. But the fact is that because of The Elevator Effect, there is a new level between you and Jesus, the man Sam. He does not claim to be the Christ, but he personally intervenes in so many epoles personal faith every day. It is not just advice! He has been set up as an aberrant mediator between us and Jesus. Where there was no hindrance between us and Jesus, Sam has been set up.

In practical terms, the UBF organization is solely operated by him. He interprets the Bible, chooses marriage partners, gives life directions, chooses music, directs dancing, picks national directors, decides hairstyles, ad infinitum.

Everything works very well untill someone does not follow his directions. Then that person is a rebel, a
sinner, a dead dog, and now a crazy dog and poisoned dog. All this fighting comes from the error of allowing him to be set apart as superior to others. The Elevator Effect gave birth to a righteousness higher than all others in the UBF.

The UBF has very good features and people, but it has this severe problem of one man artificially set up as higher than others.

Reform people have done what is best for them. They are drawing to Jesus and away from the interferer, the mediator who does not belong between anyone and Jesus. There is a solution to the UBF problems.

The last part of this will deal with "Where does the omnipotent God figure into this?" This question is most relevant because we all truly accept God's sovereignty. Thank you for reading and may The Lord Bless you very much.

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  • Flutes & Dirges -- servant, 17:10:42 01/09/02 Wed
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