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Date Posted: 16:51:55 01/26/03 Sun
Author: Monkeyfeet
Subject: Bare Bones Magick Components by a Solitary Practitioner

I am a male "Wiccan" 34 years of age and have been basically a Wiccan for about 7 years. I say basically because I use the beliefs of Wicca as my compass but I fill in the fine details, I have heard some the way I practice is called "traditional Witchcraft" but I have never spent the time to research what that really means, I do what I do and it works. I personally find the components that are considered standard Witchcraft tools (Athame, Wand, ect.)for myself are merely props and serve little or no purpose in the actual casting of spells. If others find them useful and it helps them to visualize the harnessing of energies, so be it, but for myself I have only found a few components that I feel I actually do need. Sea salt (for the circle) Broom or other device to clear the area ( I generally use a couple of handfuls of twigs that I gather on site) and one or more or a combination of the four elements. I have read spells written by other people but never use them myself, as I have found those that you make up yourself work. (it is YOU channeling the energies)and of course moon phases also play a large role in Magick as we all know. I have a question for other Wiccans or Magick practioners out there, do you believe as I do, that the Craft reputation has been harmed and mis-represented and commercialized by individuals that are in this to make a buck? The way I see it is like the "phone Psycics" yes, psycic phenomenon is real, but fakes and "quick buck boys" further delegitimize the reality in an already skeptical public. Maybe though, it is for the best, Magick and the Craft was meant to be hidden wasn't it? What do you think? I would also like to discuss Magick practices and theories of others(I am not fishing for spells and coven secrets, I am interested in serious discussions about Magick and the occult with others)I am interested in others opinions, theories,and conclusions about this, what works and what doesn't for them. if we have a rapport, the craft will survive as it should, between us. No fads , no gimmicks, nothing to sell, just our own development. I would bet we will come to some universal truths

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