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Date Posted: 15:13:27 07/09/02 Tue
Author: [frame.D]
Subject: [I dIdn't do It]

[oh what petty lil' fools them so called chiennes be<>lies every,single god damn one<>onyx rapscillion indulge platinum tinged chienne<>mocha oracales cast dubious protractor over god-forsaken terra and it's simple 'equines'<>ah i know what your thinking,here comes another little power hungry bitch<>and you know what?<>you are so right!<>who isn't hmm,tell me that?<>oh yeah thats right your sweet lil' love doves<>why don'y you take a noose,rap it around my neck and kick the platform from under me<>gag...gag]

[so many offers i admit are tempting but guess what ain't gonna pass with me<>go ahead and ridicule and sterotype me,you'd do it anyway<>even i do it<>oh thats right you can't stoop down the same level as a bitch,sorry<>well gues what thats live not everyone is sweet and a happy go lucky puppy dog who follows you around on a leash with their tounge hanging out!<>please you silly viriles,go ahead ignore my precious time at making this and come up place a nip on me and off we go<>what else was i expecting?]

[c'mon boys don't be afraid,i'm all bark and not bite,just a nasty bitten tounge<>now now,remember thats stereotyping,please like you'd be ashamed of that<>well not i guess i have expressed myself,for now anyways<>c'mon boys watcha waiting for,us gals are used to this routine by now]

[alas whats this?<>no czars to place a claim and shall then take over your life in a 'mans world' as they put it?<>acute scythes segregate platinum tinged chienne 'pon 'dobe<>dare no rupture o' serene adobe soil in process<>refined zenith tossed defiantly<>lappets duo swivel 'top palet<>velveteen probiscis brushed 'gainst matching canvas o' crest<>sinews tight<>alas,finally a keepsake!<>yet will she have the chance to experience such?<>ah well lifes life]


[it’s seems I’ve been framed]

[oh what a shame]

[what could I have expected]

[make sure that noose is tight around my neck]

[im not afraid to die]

[I must pay the price for my outrageous lies]

[don’t feel bad,I don’t]

[im not resisting,I won’t]

[good bye for now]

[I’ll see you in hell]


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