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Date Posted: 06:36:00 07/10/02 Wed
Author: Incantatio
Subject: >x< Emigration >x<

Xx I come from a land, now a hell, burning in its own bonfire, being reduced to ashes... xX
>x< Brawny figure encased with pelt o' creme hue intrudes, regal palette carried far above many, mingling a fraction lower than those of royal rearing. Mystifying viscus pools tinted of the cloudless heavens lay a sheet of thralldom o'er this virgin tierra. Vigilant cusps pivot ceaselessly, alertness used to self-advantage. Lengthy rust-stained plume whisked 'bout a taut hide that tell many a tale of melee and detriment. Crystalline shperes kiss ther shrouded horizon... O, the decree that awaits one is always on the horizon... A thing no mortal can reach... Stalwart appandages plunge robust structure forward, apathetic towards the abolishment of a former loam. There will always be a horizon... >x<
xX Ah this new land... This new bounty... Xx


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