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Date Posted: 13:02:48 07/18/02 Thu
Author: Silver Wind
Subject: **amused smile**
In reply to: Brazella 's message, "**steed*" on 10:38:23 07/18/02 Thu

Silver Wind smiles to herself, inwardly amused. The wind sweeps by her bringing with it her answer. This steed, *Brazella* the wind whispers, has just acquired new territory and has yet to attain a band of his own to fill it. She has met many like him before; all had the same eagerness to prove themselves, and to find a place they call their own. Yet this time she will follow him, he may be the key to helping her discover the reason she was sent here to this place. Decided she follows him. The wind blows past her paving the way down the road ahead. As it passes it teases with her mane whispering in her ear. She smiles to herself and sends a wordless replay. The steed ahead of her seems slightly surprised that she follows him, and he looks backs at her oddly...

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