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Date Posted: 10:04:48 06/28/02 Fri
Author: v./\.r.i./\..
Subject: .mischief be my middle name.
In reply to: .tamara. 's message, ".the coverings of a mischeif maker." on 22:03:26 06/27/02 Thu

.delving femmina 'Tamara' from placement, champaigne-hued virago approaches other candidly; spiryling 'round like a conch, prowless halts demonic grin pasting 'cross obsidian labrums seeking out the troublesome side hidden within other, no matter how sweet the other appeared, it was obvious to she the true making of this mare, though the other could come in very handy in Arrow's band, as beauty was a powerful weapon.

You're not all you appear to be I see.
Tell me, do you have a mischivious side?
Perhaps Arrow's band is the place for you.
I am an old friend of he, Varia
You could come in handy
Come with me and we shall see.

Buckskin appearanced shrew dances in a side-step beckoning the other to follow, as this was not something to be openly discussed around all the 'normals' and there was no denying a thief once taken. Whether you were to be a loyalty of the band, or traitor. Though traiters were held prisoner until a generous king came to the rescue. Welcome to the underground, see you there.

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