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Date Posted: 11:12:22 06/30/02 Sun
Author: SW/Owner
Subject: Everyone please read!

I realize some of you may be bored out of your mind with no one answering your posts and the majority of the boards nearly empty. To lessen this boredum try to interact more among yourselves, I'm trying so hard to entertain you all and keep you around by running around with my characters (Gwyndalyn & Varia mostly) and posting but I cannot do it alone. You are free to find TT's to stay in, you can go to the kingdom's and make yourself a home. For these first few weeks until things really get going try to make it fun for yourselves, and not that I'm not doing anything. I'm advertising spreading word, but it's still not going to do much for awhile unless we start interacting with one another k? Also spread the word, tell your friends on messenger system, give me a hand as I'm trying to do so for you. I want to make this work! Thanks All!

Luv Always,

Strawberry Wine

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